
High school is a time of tremendous emotional transition. Sorting the drama from the truth takes self-reflection and knowing that the best-laid plans may sometimes go awry. Diane Billas’ Does Love Always Win? illustrates decisions faced by current-day teenagers.  


The Description

Publication Date: June 20, 2023

Does Love Always Win is a sapphic coming of age young adult novel that explores coming out and understanding one’s sexual orientation.

Sam “Shorty” Daniels has a plan for her senior year, but her romantic life being a hot mess was not part of the agenda. Shorty quickly discovers she’s not attracted to her newest boyfriend and fellow marching band member Zack, despite her many hours of daydreaming of what it would be like to date him. Their previous flirting had been so intense that those feelings have to come back again, right?

When Shorty’s asked to show the snarky new girl around high school, Shorty’s instantly intrigued by Kristy’s wit, and they bond over their love of writing. They quickly become inseparable, and Shorty has a breakthrough moment realizing why none of her other relationships worked out.

Just as Shorty is about to break up with Zack, her bitter ex-boyfriend Bryan threatens to out her to the entire school and Shorty’s conservative parents. Will Shorty be able to overcome Bryan’s ridiculous blackmail scheme and get her dream girl?

The Review

Diane Billas presents her first young adult novel while drawing from her personal struggle expressing her identity. Does Love Always Win? may give teenagers a fictional representation of private conflicts.  

The scene is set: High School. Can you picture it? Teens, cliques, best friends, couples, and the lunchroom that is center stage. Sam, otherwise known as Shorty, is the central character. Her best friend, Hannah, is by her side and in the thick of all the drama that ensues at Dale High. 

Boys, boys, and more boys appear. But then a new girl enters: Kristy. She transfers from the wealthiest school in the area because her parents have refused to accept her sexual preferences as a pansexual. Shorty has been quickly going through boyfriends until she is assigned to help Kristy get accustomed to the school. The addition of text messages between friends and frenemies creates a modern touch. Hurt feelings and teenage pride soon turn bitter, and someone threatens to expose Shorty’s personal relationships before she can really determine her true self.  

This cast of characters does not fall completely into the stereotypical high school categories. Although there are cool kids and outsiders, the cliques sometimes cross boundaries. The evolution of both the straight relationships and the queer relationships seems plausible and interesting. I felt that the sexualizing of the characters played too big a part in the story. I realize the author was giving context to the initial journey of discovering one’s sexual preferences. However, some areas of the story hit me as lewd. I lost count of the inclusion of the word “hot.” 

Just as I was considering if the storyline would ever make it past salacious scenes, the author began to focus on real, troublesome themes facing teens beyond sexuality. The alarming extent of bullying behavior is pulled into the events. One threat begins to escalate, especially with the use of technology. I appreciated Mrs. Billas’ inclusion of school personnel and the examples written to demonstrate the emotional resource that teachers provide. 

As the novel wraps, the reader comes to realize that truthfulness is what wins. Maybe that isn’t as catchy a title as “Does Love Always Win?” But her characters speak some essential truths at the end, “Communication is what makes relationships work. If I knew what you were dealing with, I could have helped.” ”It is okay to be true to yourself, even if it wasn’t what you thought was the easy or normal thing.” 

High school is a time of tremendous emotional transition. Sorting the drama from the truth takes self-reflection and knowing that the best-laid plans may sometimes go awry. Diane Billas’ Does Love Always Win? illustrates decisions faced by current-day teenagers.  

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About The Author

Diane Billas lives in Philadelphia with her husband and son. When she’s not writing she can be found reading multiple books at once, performing the French horn and piano, or dreaming of the next country she’s going to visit. Diane can be found at, on Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook @dianebillas, and on Instagram @dianebillaswrites.

Diane Billas is the author of the YA contemporary romance LGBTQ+ novel DOES LOVE ALWAYS WIN? releasing June 2023 and the YA superhero LGBTQ+ novel SUPERFICIAL releasing September 2024.


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Sandy Saucier
Sandy Saucier
I grew up in South Louisiana but have been a Dallas resident for almost 30 years. I taught elementary school for 31 years. Besides reading, I love to cook.


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High school is a time of tremendous emotional transition. Sorting the drama from the truth takes self-reflection and knowing that the best-laid plans may sometimes go awry. Diane Billas’ Does Love Always Win? illustrates decisions faced by current-day teenagers.  3.5-STAR REVIEW: DOES LOVE ALWAYS WIN? by Diane Billas