
Paint Me a Crime is one book in, I hope, a long series of books. Give this one a try. It’s an easy book to read and entertaining as well.


The Description

A Rose Shore Mystery: Book 1
Publication Date: June 13, 2023

Art curator Jessamine Rhodes has left behind her gig at a prominent gallery in the city to open her own community art center in the small town of Rose Shore. She’s all set to host an extravagant opening watercolors class and has even booked a famous artist to teach it. Gabriella Everhart brings along her priceless painting Tranquil to showcase as the centerpiece of the event.

The opening class is just wrapping up when suddenly Tranquil disappears before Jessamine’s eyes. Next, the lights of the art center flicker out and leave the crowd in complete darkness as a scream pierces the air. To her horror, Jessamine’s flashlight reveals that prestigious art collector Victor Carlisle has been murdered, and now her dreams are as shattered as the champagne glass found near the scene.

Determined to save her now teetering reputation, Jessamine sets out to search for answers and the missing painting on her own. She has invested everything into her art center and is too anxious to step back and do nothing. Along the way, she teams up with a handsome paramedic who seems to have his own reasons for wanting justice for Victor’s tragedy.

ExcerptPDF-imgThe Review

Jessamine, the protagonist in Paint Me a Crime by author Holly Yew, was a determined woman to find out whodunit. She was firm in her convictions, tenacious, clever, and determined. I believe one must respect a real person or even a fictional character with these qualities.

The setting is a small town where close friendships blossom and bloom, and everyone knows what everyone is doing. Busy bodies abound, as well as more nefarious characters.

I liked the close friendship bonding that happened over the course of the book. One could see how a friendship came to be, and it was cool to witness. Forming close friendships is so important to me. We need people in our lives that just “get us.” We can be silly and moody and do goofy things, and the friendship stays intact.

The secondary characters were important as well. Emilia, Jessamine’s best friend, helped carry the story along and added a bit of her own personality to the story. There was also Jackson Yeung, Jessamine’s possible new love interest. He added some maleness to the story that made me swoon (at least a little).

I think my favorite secondary character was Howard “Click” Mccoy. Just his name alone made me want to like him. He was annoying and didn’t get when he wasn’t wanted, but for some reason, I just liked him. It’s funny when a reader just likes a particular character. Even if no one else likes that character.

Paint Me a Crime is one book in, I hope, a long series of books. Give this one a try. It’s an easy book to read and entertaining as well.Buy Links

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About The Author

After having called many places around the world home, Holly Yew has settled in the Okanagan, BC with her husband, son, and two rescue dogs. When she’s not writing or reading, she’s playing the piano, watching Star Wars, or enjoying a Dole Whip in Disneyland.

Holly is a member of Sisters in Crime and International Thriller Writers.


Blog Tour Schedule

June 13 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

June 13 – Indie Author Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

June 14 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

June 14 – The Avid Reader – REVIEW

June 15 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

June 15 – The Book Decoder – REVIEW  

June 16 – Reading, Writing & Stitch-Metic – SPOTLIGHT

June 16 – Literary Gold – SPOTLIGHT

June 17 – Reading Is My SuperPower – REVIEW

June 17 – Cassidy’s Bookshelves – SPOTLIGHT

June 18 – Jane Reads – CHARACTER INTERVIEW  


June 19 – Rebecca M Douglass, Author – REVIEW

June 20 – Cozy Up With Kathy – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

June 20 – Novels Alive – REVIEW

June 21 – Hearts & Scribbles – SPOTLIGHT

June 21 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – AUTHOR GUEST POST

June 22 – Baroness Book Trove – SPOTLIGHT

June 22 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

June 23 – MJB Reviewers – SPOTLIGHT

June 23 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT

June 24 – StoreyBook Reviews – CHARACTER GUEST POST

June 24 – #BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee – SPOTLIGHT

June 25 – Brooke Blogs – CHARACTER GUEST POST

June 25 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

June 26 – Guatemala Paula Loves to Read – REVIEW


Lori Van Buren
Lori Van Buren
I’ve reviewed before for the now closed Romancing the Book. I love reading whether it’s an ebook or a good old-fashioned book book. The smell of a book is such a nice smell. I work with handicapped adults in my real life and I live in New York State.


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Paint Me a Crime is one book in, I hope, a long series of books. Give this one a try. It’s an easy book to read and entertaining as well.5-STAR REVIEW: PAINT ME A CRIME by Holly Yew