Please read below before submitting your book for review.

Thank you for your interest in Novels Alive. We are excited that you want to submit your work for us to review. Please read the information below carefully as it outlines our Terms of Review. Our reviewers are from varied backgrounds, ranging from published authors to “average Joe” connoisseurs of the written word. Each of our reviewers takes what they do very seriously, putting a lot of thought and time into the reviews they write in their own style. Please note, due to the “family-friendly” nature of our site, we do not review erotica. Things you should know before submitting your work:

  • We reserve the right to refuse submissions that do not fall within the preset categories of Novels Alive.  Not all books submitted will be reviewed, but they will be considered.
    • Please note that if your book is horror, sci-fi or fantasy, chances are that they won’t be picked up at this time due to lack of reviewer interest in these genres.
  • We will only publish honest reviews.
    • If a review will be under 2 stars, we will notify you before publication.
  • We request a kindle compatible (mobi or ePub) ebook copy upon submitting.  We will also review audio and print books, if copies are available.
  • Due to the volunteer status of our reviewers, Novels Alive cannot guarantee a time frame for the posting of reviews. If a quick review is required, please include this information for consideration at the time of submission and we will work with you to accommodate this request.
    • Currently, the turn around for a review is 8-12 weeks.
  • If you submit a series for review, and a reviewer picks it, they will review all books in your series and any future releases in the series.

All content on the Novels Alive site is copyrighted and owned by Novels Alive and their review staff. Reviewers may repost the reviews on their accounts.  Permission to repost a Novels Alive review will be granted to authors and publishers only with a link back to the review and/or site.  Permission to post our content in any form and charge for it is expressly forbidden. By submitting your work to Novels Alive you are agreeing to all of our Terms of Review. Please fill out the form below to continue:

Book Review Request

"*" indicates required fields

Author Name*
Please provide a blurb or synopsis of the book you're requesting for review.
If available, please provide a link to Amazon, Goodreads or your website where more information about the book can be found.
Is this book part of a series?*
Are other books in the series available for review?
If this book is part of a series, are the other books in the series also available for review?
What genre does your book best fit into? Please note that we will not review erotica and horror, sci-fi and fantasy may be hard to place with a reviewer.
Please provide a kindle compatible or ePub copy of the book for our reviewers. We will also accept PDF, but only if the other two options aren't available as they are preferable to read. The book will only be shared with the reviewer who will read the book and the original copy will be destroyed. If we decide not to review the book, the file will be deleted.
Accepted file types: mobi, epub, pdf, Max. file size: 1 GB.
While we require the book in an electronic format, we also accept books in print. If you have a print copy you'd be willing to provide a review, let us know in this box.
We have a couple reviewers that also review audio books. If your book is also available in an audio format, let us known here.
We cannot guarantee that we can have a review finished by the release date, however we will try our best. However, there is currently a 4-6 week turn around for reviews.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please provide your email so we can contact you when we start your review and to provide the link when the review is finished.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.