
The books and series have inspired sometimes heated debates between fans of “Team Bill” and “Team Edward”, huge followings for creative RPG characters on Twitter and a host of websites chock full of True Blood goodness. What author could hope for higher praise?


50 Book Reviews
Reviews Published

The Description

Sookie Stackhouse: Book 10
Release Date: May 7, 2010

In the tenth novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling series—the inspiration for the HBO® original series True Blood—Sookie Stackhouse learns that not even her psychic abilities can help her solve all the problems in Bon Temps, Louisiana…

After enduring torture and the loss of loved ones during the brief but deadly Fae War, Sookie Stackhouse is hurt and she’s mad. Just about the only bright spot in her life is the love she thinks she feels for vampire Eric Northman. But he’s under scrutiny by the new vampire king because of their relationship. And as the political implications of the shifters’ coming-out are beginning to be felt, Sookie’s connection to one particular Were draws her into the dangerous debate. Also, unknown to her, though the doors to Faery have been closed, there are still some fae on the human side—and one of them is angry at Sookie. Very, very angry.

The Review

I believe something similar to what a certain petite blonde vampire slayer once said “Dawns in trouble…must be Tuesday” could be applied as well to the heroine of Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse series of books which inspired the critically acclaimed HBO original series True Blood.

In the latest installment out this month, DEAD IN THE FAMILY, the story begins with Sookie dealing with the aftermath of the “Fairy War”, an unintentional marriage to a sexy, Viking vampire and injuries both physical and mental that are taking a while longer than she would like to heal even with a heavy dose of vampire blood coursing through her veins.

In true Sookie style, her generous nature, though having taken its fair share of beatings lately, once again manages to get her smack dab in the middle of a whole heap of trouble. Between being pulled back into the always troublesome business of the Were clans, bodies popping up on her property, a telekinetic toddler, an ambitious and deadly vampire and threats unknown lurking in the woods, Sookie has her hands full.

Charlaine’s down-home, southern roots charm truly comes alive in the world she has imagined for Sookie and creates a unique setting for the “supernatural” characters who surround our heroine in a way that makes the supernatural feel remarkably natural. Despite her remarkable ability to read minds, Sookie, herself, says it best “I’m just a waitress.” A waitress who attracts vampire boyfriends, werewolves, shape-shifters, and a host of mystical creatures to her like a moth to a bug zapper, but still worries about whether or not she filled all the ketchup bottles up before ending her shift at Merlotte’s. It’s the every day—everyday people, problems intertwined fantastic and most times dangerous adventures with the “Supes” that keep the reader spellbound by Charlaine’s motley cast of characters.

Dead and Gone
Published: September 6, 2011

From the moment I put down the first book in the series, it was too late…I was hooked on Sookie’s exploits with a passion and couldn’t wait to move to the next and the next and the next until closing the page on DEAD AND GONE (book 9) last spring. Every month I would anxiously type in the address for Charlaine’s official website hoping for news on the next book in the series. Finally last month I hit the jackpot and found the release date for DEAD IN THE FAMILY.

It was pretty much a no-brainer when my husband asked what I wanted for my big 4-0 birthday gift. Not hip to anything literary that doesn’t have a cowboy or muscle car on the cover, I wrote down the author and title for him and actually started looking forward to a birthday most would rather forget.

Unfortunately, one of the drawbacks of living in a small Midwest city like I do is that the bookseller options are pretty much limited to a tiny section between the check out counters and the health and beauty aisles at the local Wal-Mart. By the time he went shopping, the book had already been out for a week and the store was completely sold out! But alas, there was still hope, as he was informed by an acne-prone young man wearing his spiffy blue vest proudly, that a new shipment would arrive the coming Tuesday—YES!

Like all of Charlaine’s books, it was well worth the wait…

I have to say I felt a tad bit sorry later for literally ripping the unsightly floral gift bag out my poor husband’s hands the minute he walked through the door with it on my birthday—but only a tad. I couldn’t wait to get started reading and around 6:15 p.m that’s exactly what I did. 2:30ish the next morning I was finished. Like all of Charlaine’s books, it was well worth the wait while at the same time makes you wish you didn’t have to, so you can see what going to happen next.

Thanks to the people behind the HBO series True Blood, (Season 3 begins June 13th) the waiting is a little easier. Although there are marked distinctions between some of the stories and characters that the series brings to life on our televisions than inside the pages of Charlaine’s books, the essence remains the same. For 45 or 50 minutes on a warm Summer Sunday night, we’re treated to a rare glimpse inside Sookie’s world.

True Blood Season 3 Cast
Cast of True Blood

The books and series have inspired sometimes heated debates between fans of “Team Bill” and “Team Edward”, huge followings for creative RPG characters on Twitter and a host of websites chock full of True Blood goodness. What author could hope for higher praise?

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Teresa Spreckelmeyer
Teresa Spreckelmeyer
I am the owner of Midnight Muse Designs, which provides creative book cover ART for eBook and Print that feature one of a kind art designs, as well as a selection of truly unique EXCLUSIVE designs.


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The books and series have inspired sometimes heated debates between fans of “Team Bill” and “Team Edward”, huge followings for creative RPG characters on Twitter and a host of websites chock full of True Blood goodness. What author could hope for higher praise?4 STAR REVIEW: DEAD IN THE FAMILY by Charlaine Harris