GUEST BLOG: A Romantic Dentist by Rachel Fordham Plus Giveaway!

Every book has a unique origin story. Sometimes a news article sparks an idea or an idea pops up while traveling to a new place. As an author, I love these moments of inspiration.

My husband is a dentist, which means dentist in the entertainment world catch our attention. What we noticed was an overall lack of dentist represented and when they were featured, they were either the comic relief or a villain. We have no problem with an evil dentist in a book or a movie, but I decided that I wanted to write a romantic dentist.

That thought became the catalyst for A Lady in Attendance. Once I knew my hero’s career, I began digging into historic dentistry and discovered that around the time period of my story the field of dental assisting was just opening up. Although, the original dental assistants were not called dental assistance, but rather ladies in attendance or attending ladies. They were brought into the office to make it easier for single female patients to come to the dentist. With a woman there, they did not have to be chaperoned.

I loved the pieces of history I discovered as I began piecing the story together. A quiet, handsome dentist.  A lively lady in attendance. A few secrets sprinkled in and I was off and running.

One particularly fun feature of Gilbert Watts (the dentist and hero of this story) is his love of art. Dentistry is not the field he wanted to go into, but the office was his father’s and he knows his father put his heart into his work. He chooses to take over and even finds a love for it when he realizes his love of art can be used as he sculpts teeth and makes bridges.

My real-life romantic dentist had a similar experience when he was choosing what field to go into. He spent a day with a dentist and realized that there was an artistic element to it. My book dentist is not an exact replica of my real-life romantic dentist, but he did help me get some of my facts right and he loves that I’ve written a dentist who is neither a villain or comic relief.

I hope you will find Dr. Gilbert Watts as swoony as I found him while writing the book.

About The Book

Publication Date: June 1, 2021

Five years in a New York state reformatory have left a blemish on Hazel’s real name. So when she takes a job as Doctor Gilbert Watts’s lady in attendance in 1898, she does so under an alias. In the presence of her quiet and pious employer, Hazel finds more than an income. She finds a friend and a hope that if she can set her tarnished past in order, she might have a future after all.

As Gilbert becomes accustomed to the pleasant chatter of his new dental assistant, he can’t help but sense something secretive about her. Perhaps there is more to this woman than meets the eye. Can the questions that loom between them ever be answered? Or will the deeds of days gone by forever rob the future of its possibilities?

Rachel Fordham pens a tender tale of a soft-spoken man, a hardened woman, and the friends that stand by them as they work toward a common purpose–to expunge the record of someone society deemed beyond saving–and perhaps find love along the way.

A Lady in Attendance draws you in from the first page and leaves you captivated until the oh-so-romantic conclusion. A poignant and beautifully written story of faith, forgiveness, and the healing power of love.”–Mimi Matthews, USA Today bestselling author

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Enter to win a copy of A Lady in Attendance by Rachel Fordham!

The giveaway is open to the US only and ends on November 5th. You must be 18 or older to enter.

A Lady in Attendance

About The Author

Rachel Fordham has long been fascinated by all things historical or in the words of her children “old stuff”. Often the historical trivia she discovers is woven into her children’s bedtime tales. Despite her love for good stories she didn’t attempt writing a novel until her husband challenged her to do so (and now she’s so glad he did). Since that time she’s often been found typing or researching while her youngest child naps or frantically writing plot twists while she waits in the school pick-up line. In addition to her passion for storytelling, she enjoys reading, being outdoors, and seeing new places. Rachel lives with her husband and children on an island in Washington state.

Learn more about current projects at You can also follow Rachel on FacebookInstagramBookBub, and Goodreads.


Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, October 11
Guest Post at Novels Alive

Tuesday, October 12
Review at Historical Fiction with Spirit

Wednesday, October 13
Excerpt at I’m Into Books

Thursday, October 14
Review at Library of Clean Reads
Review at Michelle the PA Loves to Read

Friday, October 15
Excerpt at What Is That Book About

Saturday, October 16
Review at Reading Is My SuperPower

Monday, October 18
Review at Novels Alive

Tuesday, October 19
Excerpt at Heidi Reads

Wednesday, October 20
Review at A Chick Who Reads
Excerpt at Books and Benches
Review at Robin Loves Reading

Thursday, October 21
Interview at The Book Club Network

Friday, October 22
Review at Ms. Darcy Reads

Monday, October 25
Review at Jorie Loves a Story

Tuesday, October 26
Excerpt at Reading is My Remedy

Wednesday, October 27
Guest Post at Chicks, Rogues, and Scandals

Thursday, October 28
Review at McCombs on Main

Friday, October 29
Excerpt at The Tea Queen

Monday, November 1
Review at Bookoholiccafe

Tuesday, November 2
Interview at Jorie Loves a Story
Excerpt at Lisa Everyday Reads

Wednesday, November 3
Excerpt at Bookworlder

Friday, November 5
Review at Passages to the Past

Dayna Linton
Dayna Linton
Dayna is the owner of not only Novels Alive but of Day Agency, a full-service self-publishing agency for independent authors. She has been assisting independent authors to achieve their dreams of becoming published authors for over 15 years. From New York Times and USA Today Bestselling authors to the first-time author to every author in between. Dayna is a self-professed bibliophile. While dancing has always been her first love, reading came as a very, very close second, with gardening coming in as a close third. Dayna is also the divorced mom of four adult children and a very proud grandma. She is also a web designer, social media specialist, book blogger, and reviewer. She's a long-time Disney lover and a Utah Jazz, Utah Utes, and Dallas Cowboys fan. See Dayna's reviews here: Dayna's Reviews



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