EST. 2010


Awake provides a solid introduction to a woman’s struggle to rebuild her life. In the process, she rediscovers the power of her womanhood.

5-STAR REVIEW: AWAKE by Lisa Battalia

The Description

A Midlife Romance: Book 1
Publication Date: November 4, 2022

A Midlife Romance Series. Friendship and passion, lost and found again by chance. Lori, an affluent wife and mother, has sacrificed her career for the sake of her family and the expectations to build a “perfect” family. Brandon, an FBI agent, is smart, committed, and protective of the women in his life, but struggles as a single parent. Despite living on opposite coasts, and the competing responsibilities that accrue in midlife, Lori and Brandon take a shot at romance.

Book 1, Awake, begins in the shame and pain of a marital desertion. Lori is reluctant to let Brandon into her life, afraid to be hurt again. Once she opens that door wider, Lori experiences an explosive awakening. With Brandon’s help, Lori rediscovers her sexual power and, through that, confidence and hope. Yet three-thousand miles separate suburban Maryland and Seattle. Their intense but infrequent visits are disorienting, particularly as Lori feels pressured towards a more suitable post-divorce life. When Lori makes an impulsive decision to take her kids on a trip to Seattle, she sparks a chain of conflicts that might end their still-precarious romance.

The Review

When her husband abruptly asks for a divorce after almost two decades, Lori is left to rebuild her life with her two teenage children. Feeling unlovable, unsexy, and untethered, she finds renewal in her past.

With Awake, author Lisa Battalia delivers the first installment in her two-part series, A Midlife Romance. It’s a spicy hot read packed with explicit details.

Using flashbacks, the author weaves in Lori’s past with the present, so readers get a full picture of the significance of Brandon’s role in her life. As she regains her confidence, the conflict centers around the fact that she and Brandon live on opposite coasts.

The author delivers a cast of interesting characters who have a strong sense of realism. From teens with attitude to a powerful bond of sisterhood, the storyline evokes a roller coaster of emotions.

Awake provides a solid introduction to a woman’s struggle to rebuild her life. In the process, she rediscovers the power of her womanhood.Buy Links

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About The AuthorAuthor Lisa Battalia is an attorney in the field of gender equity and a writer. She is the mother of two newly launched young adults; a lifelong east-coaster who recently launcher her own new life on Whidbey Island, WA.



Amy Wilson
Amy Wilson
My name is Amy W., and I am a book addict. I will never forget the day I came home from junior high school to find my mom waiting for me with one of the Harlequin novels from my stash. As she was gearing up for the "you shouldn't be reading this" lecture, I told her the characters get married in the end. I'm just glad she didn't find the Bertrice Small book hidden in my closet. I have diverse reading tastes, evident by the wide array of genres on my Kindle. As I made the transition to an e-reader, I found myself worrying that something could happen to it. As a result, I am now the proud owner of four Kindles -- all different kinds, but plenty of back-ups! "Fifty Shades of Grey" gets high marks on my favorites list -- not for character development or dialogue (definitely not!), but because it blazed new ground for those of us who believe provocative fiction is more than just an explicit cover. Sylvia Day, Lexie Blake, and Kristin Hannah are some of my favorite authors. Speaking of diverse tastes, I also enjoy Dean Koontz, Iris Johansen, and J.A. Konrath. I’m always ready to discover new-to-me authors, especially when I toss in a palate cleanser that is much different than what I would normally read. Give me something with a well-defined storyline, add some suspense (or spice), and I am a happy reader. Give me a happily ever after, and I am downright giddy.


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Awake provides a solid introduction to a woman’s struggle to rebuild her life. In the process, she rediscovers the power of her womanhood.5-STAR REVIEW: AWAKE by Lisa Battalia