
Ultimately, Insensible Loss makes readers ponder how much loss and sadness a person can take before being changed at a fundamental level.


About The Book

The Endings Series: Book 4
Publication Date: September 17, 2024

Her life is over . . . yet somehow she carries on

After attempting to sever all ties to her life as a hired assassin, a woman struggles to understand who she has become. She knows she doesn’t want to kill again–but it proves to be a difficult habit to break, particularly in a world where people are after her and those she loves most.

Adrift and disconnected, she meets an old woman: Imogen O’Brien, a world-famous artist who has spent the last three decades living a hermit-like existence on a rustic desert estate in a national forest. Imogen invites her to stay and work for her, offering mentorship in return as the woman deepens her own interest in art.

What quickly becomes apparent is that elements of Imogen’s past are shrouded in danger, sorrow, and darkness. Rather than growing as an artist, the former hitwoman soon finds herself enmeshed in a dangerous mystery with strands that stretch decades into the past.



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The Review

For most readers, the main character of a story often elicits an emotional connection. However, what happens if the protagonist happens to be a female contract killer?

Author Linda L. Richards serves up Insensible Loss, a first-person narrative in which the unnamed main character is searching for something that even she can’t define.

Her introspective attitude takes a turn when she encounters a reclusive artist dealing with her own personal struggles. As the fourth installment of The Endings series, the story adds more context to the unnamed narrator.

While previous installments may have featured more action, the majority of this storyline focuses on a deep dive into the main character’s thought process, tracing the evolution from typical mom to contract killer. It was interesting to explore attachment theory through the narrator’s perspective.

Ultimately, Insensible Loss makes readers ponder how much loss and sadness a person can take before being changed at a fundamental level.

About The AuthorLinda L. Richards is the award-winning author of over a dozen books. The founder and publisher of January Magazine and a contributing editor to the crime fiction blog The Rap Sheet, she is best known for her strong female protagonists in the thriller genre. Richards is from Vancouver, Canada and currently makes her home in Phoenix, Arizona. New for 2024: INSENSIBLE LOSS, the fourth book in the Endings series featuring a reluctant hit woman struggling towards the light. Linda’s 2021 novel, the first in this series, ENDINGS, was recently optioned by a major studio for series production. Richards is an accomplished horsewoman and an avid tennis player, and is on the National Board of Sisters in Crime.


Blog Tour Schedule

09/09 Review @ fundinmental
09/10 Interview @ Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense
09/10 Review @ FullyBookedInKentucky
09/11 Review @ Country Mamas With Kids
09/11 Showcase @ Books, Ramblings, and Tea
09/12 Interview @ Literary Gold
09/13 Review @ Guatemala Paula Loves to Read
09/13 Review @ Melissa As Blog
09/13 Showcase @ Silvers Reviews
09/14 Review @ Ink. Readsalot
09/16 Review @ Book Reviews From an Avid Reader
09/17 Review @ Cozy Home Delight
09/18 Guest post @ Cozy Home Delight
09/19 Review @ dianas_books_cars_coffee
09/21 Guest post @ Cassidys Bookshelves
09/27 Review @ fuonlyknew
10/01 Review @ Catreader18
10/02 Showcase @ Celticladys Reviews
10/03 Guest post @ The Mystery of Writing


Amy Wilson
Amy Wilson
My name is Amy W., and I am a book addict. I will never forget the day I came home from junior high school to find my mom waiting for me with one of the Harlequin novels from my stash. As she was gearing up for the "you shouldn't be reading this" lecture, I told her the characters get married in the end. I'm just glad she didn't find the Bertrice Small book hidden in my closet. I have diverse reading tastes, evident by the wide array of genres on my Kindle. As I made the transition to an e-reader, I found myself worrying that something could happen to it. As a result, I am now the proud owner of four Kindles -- all different kinds, but plenty of back-ups! "Fifty Shades of Grey" gets high marks on my favorites list -- not for character development or dialogue (definitely not!), but because it blazed new ground for those of us who believe provocative fiction is more than just an explicit cover. Sylvia Day, Lexie Blake, and Kristin Hannah are some of my favorite authors. Speaking of diverse tastes, I also enjoy Dean Koontz, Iris Johansen, and J.A. Konrath. I’m always ready to discover new-to-me authors, especially when I toss in a palate cleanser that is much different than what I would normally read. Give me something with a well-defined storyline, add some suspense (or spice), and I am a happy reader. Give me a happily ever after, and I am downright giddy.


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Ultimately, Insensible Loss makes readers ponder how much loss and sadness a person can take before being changed at a fundamental level.4.5-STAR REVIEW: INSENSIBLE LOSS by Linda L. Richards