We are always looking for good reviewers!
Please fill out the form below so we can consider working with you.

Thank you for your interest in reviewing for Novels Alive. Please complete the form below and will get in touch with you about your application. Reviews should be personal, casual and should draw the reader in. Being critical and informative is important, while not giving away “spoilers.” Please take a look at the diverse reviews we have on the site for examples. Note: Our reviewers are not paid for their reviews. 

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How will we contact you?
We have a private Facebook group where all review requests are posted. If you join the Novels Alive review team, we'd like to be able to add you to this group.
Do you own or review for another site?*
Any reviews for Novels Alive cannot be used on other sites, and we will not accept reviews that have previously been posted at other locations.
We require at least one review a month. How many on average do you think you could complete?
Book format*
Most of our books are only available in ebook. However, we may have them available in other formats. What book formats can you read?
What are your favorite genres to read? For example, cookbooks, cozy mysteries and historical romance. Please note that we do not review erotica at Novels Alive.
What genres will you not read?
Please provide at least one sample review for us. This can be one written on Amazon or Goodreads or for another site. If you've never written a review before, please think about the most recent book you've read and write a review. This will not be used on the site, but is just for us to get a feel for your writing style. You can provide links in this box.
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