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GUEST BLOG: Start Now, Or Lose The Opportunity? by Erven Kimble Plus Giveaway!

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Start NowIs there something that you are longing to pursue, for His Glory? A calling that you have received from God, and yet hesitating on doing it because of the fear that you might not do it? Today, God is telling you to start now!

“It is the Lord who goes before you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or abandon you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8) (AMP)

We all have a different calling and purpose in the body of Christ, especially in this season and in this generation. More and more people are becoming aware of the different issues and difficult topics that have been set aside through the years, such as the topic of racism. Even me, I couldn’t escape God’s calling on uniting the racial divide, leading me to write a book.

Many have answered His call, while some might be like you, who’s reading this blog now, afraid or uncertain with what to do, and where or how to begin.

Now is the time to start walking into the paths that God has prepared for us! Never let go of every opportunity and privilege that we get, to honor God, throughout our journey. He has promised to never leave us nor forsake us, so there’s nothing to fear and worry about. You never know, you might be the “Joshua” that this generation needs to continue the legacy that God has done in the lives of our ancestors, pastors, and mentors.

Surely, things might get difficult in the process of responding to God’s call, but His empowering Grace will suffice you to stay strong and courageous. What you need to do is to always speak out the TRUTH that God has impressed unto you. Whenever you don’t know how to begin, start with this TRUTH acronym:

T – Talk to God in your quiet time.
R – Receive His Word and Revelation.
U – Unleash your faith.
T – Triumph by stepping out of your comfort zone.
H – Honor God in all that you do.

In the process of sharing God’s Word to people, always remember to still speak His TRUTH WITH LOVE. As we speak about the truth, we must always be a great demonstration of His love for people, because we are commanded to love God and love our neighbors, as we love ourselves.

Now’s the time to rise and take a stand! So, will you take the opportunity to glorify and honor His Name and start responding to His call? I hope you do because God has always got you.

Now I need you! Share this post! Will you consider praying and supporting this effort? Go to my website:

I will send you a FREE draft of the “Introduction” to my book as a token of my appreciation of your interest in this crucial life and death struggle for the nation.

Or for more information about WHAT’S NEXT just Private Message me or connect through my website:

Blessings & Peace,
Pastor Kimble
About The Book

Publication Date: December 15, 2020

Giving Voice To TruthWhen it comes to how our culture should address the issue of Race in America, the voice of God is deafeningly silent. Public dialogue continues without much or decisive input from the contemporary Christian community. In fact, the Body of Jesus Christ in America as a whole, is pretty much divided along racial lines. This is clearly reflected in the split within the contemporary church along political party lines and social policies. To be sure, there is preaching about how we ought to, or how we want to treat one another as children of God. Each voice declares that they are on the right side of history or the right side of the political spectrum; but what about being on the right side of God?


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About The Author

Pastor KimbleErven Kimble has been happily married to Jacquelyn Kimble for over thirty-five years is the father of five sons and one daughter and has seven grandchildren. They are both natives of Houston, Texas. Erven attended the University of Houston, where he majored in Electrical Engineering. He later received his Bachelor of Arts in Theology from Logos Christian College and Graduate School.

Erven worked in cooperate sales and marketing for over 25 years with major computer companies; he served as a community leader and activist for over 30 years. Erven accepted a huge pay cut when he left his corporate management position to answer the call of God on his life to serve as Senior Pastor at a church in the northeast suburbs of Atlanta for over 24 years, where he grew to love, nurture and help hundreds of congregates grow spiritually, emotionally, and relationally.

Erven is the founder and CEO of Life ANEW Global Ministries, which offers virtual training that helps believers learn how to live out the New Life found ‘in Christ’. He is an accomplished teacher, community leader and activist, a licensed Christian Counselor, Racial Unity Coach entrepreneur and now an author. In addition, he is an international business developer, helping Christian entrepreneurs gain success in the Health & Wellness industry.

Pastor Kimble also worked as a Development Director with a nonprofit ministry; a career move which eventually led him to attend a life-changing weekend Men’s Retreat. There, his encounter with the Holy Spirit led him to understand the racial bias that exists in the hearts of so many believers in the contemporary Church. Now, God has challenged him and placed him in a position to address the generational racial divide that exists within the Christian community.

Erven Kimble authored the book and founded a movement called “Giving Voice to Truth… God’s Heart For Racial Unity”. This represents many of Pastor Kimble’s personal experiences navigating the racial divide. It highlights many years of social and economic differences in the black community and the Voice of God calling for believers to genuinely demonstrate the love of Christ and the justice of God in obedience to His Word.

The practical applications of many of the principles discussed in this book are explored in the series of virtual meetings called “Truth Talks About Race!”. The purpose of these interactive sessions is to help make the ‘information’ create a ‘transformation’ within the individuals that participate.

To get more information and to register, go to:



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Dayna Linton
Dayna Linton
Dayna is the owner of not only Novels Alive but of Day Agency, a full-service self-publishing agency for independent authors. She has been assisting independent authors to achieve their dreams of becoming published authors for over 15 years. From New York Times and USA Today Bestselling authors to the first-time author to every author in between. Dayna is a self-professed bibliophile. While dancing has always been her first love, reading came as a very, very close second, with gardening coming in as a close third. Dayna is also the divorced mom of four adult children and a very proud grandma. She is also a web designer, social media specialist, book blogger, and reviewer. She's a long-time Disney lover and a Utah Jazz, Utah Utes, and Dallas Cowboys fan. See Dayna's reviews here: Dayna's Reviews


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