GUEST BLOG: What I Want Readers to Walk Away with After Reading My Book by James Ruvalcaba Plus Giveaway!

Hello, I’m James Ruvalcaba the Author of The Light Through the Pouring Rain and I’m here today to speak on what I would like the reader to walk away with after reading my book. To give a bit of background to my book I detail the trials and tribulations of enduring a cancer diagnosis. I go into detail about how my fiancée Anabel and I dealt with it and keep our eyes to the sky and used our faith in God to make it to the end. Unfortunately, my fiancée, Anabel didn’t make it and she passed away, so now I tell our story on my own with hopes to carry on her legacy and be a testimony of God’s goodness. So today I bring to you some takeaways you should have after reading my book which includes perspective, appreciation, and keeping a sense of humor.

Perspective is everything. It’s one of the keys to life. Do you see the glass half-full or half-empty? Neither way is right or wrong it just depends on how you see the glass. That metaphor is a way to suggest how some see life. Now with my book at first glance can seem like a story of pain and heartaches which it includes, but is not the main point of the book, perspective is a key point of the book and separates our story from others. Our positive perspective on a rather negative situation is what got our family through such a horrible tragedy. Keeping our eyes to the sky and using God as our strength and our navigator is what got us to overcome three years of ups and downs that could have ended before it even started (My story will clear up the confusion of that last statement). Depending on how you see the life you understand that perspective and appreciation go hand and hand together and appreciation is the second takeaway from my book.

Appreciation is highlighted throughout my book on a constant basis. The appreciation of the day, the appreciation of family and friends, and the appreciation of enjoying the moment are some of the key points of the appreciation spoken on throughout the book. The guarantee of another day was not a guarantee and throughout our story, we had to come to find out that every day isn’t guaranteed and we needed to appreciate enjoying another day between my fiancée and me.

Secondly, appreciation of family and friends is talked about because although my fiancée and I life halted during this process it was almost a nice getaway from the reality of the situation we were enduring to hang out with our family and friends. Those moments were far and few, but those moments will give us peace of mind in those moments.

Lastly, appreciation of enjoying the moment. What I mean is neither my fiancée Anabel or I knew during our special moments were our last until her last moments. So it was beautiful to see us enjoy life together as best as we could during her treatments. We both stayed in the moment and didn’t worry about the would’ve, could’ve, should of the past and didn’t worry about the anxieties of tomorrow. We just stay together side by side to enjoy each other’s company at the moment. In addition, our final takeaway from our book was keeping our sense of humor.

In a situation that usually deals nothing but a negative moment after negative moment and more frowns than smiles, it was amazing that we were able to keep our sense of humor. To the readers, no matter your situations or circumstances keeping your sense of humor will make any ordeal you may a much easier one, and keeping things light and humorous will bring a sense of normality that will balance out the situation. Laughing and cracking jokes was the key to my fiancee and me withstanding a three-year battle. With all the reasons in the world to want to stay depressed and sad, we counted that with jokes and smiles. It made the process much easier for all that were involved and displayed the strength of my fiancée Anabel to take a life-threatening illness like the one she had and turn around and still smile.

Those are the takeaways from my book if the reader can use any of the three takeaways from this book and apply it to their own lives no matter the situations then I feel like I did my job by telling our story The Light Through the Pouring Rain!

About The Book

Publication Date: December 20, 2020

A remarkable love story that pulls on your heartstrings and leaves you inspired. A page-turner that gives a first-hand look into the lives of a young couple madly in love and eager to start their lives together, only to have it all halted by a cancer diagnosis. With no clear road map on how to navigate their new normal, James and Anabel proceed into uncharted territory, hand-in-hand, with the love of their families and their faith in God to guide them.



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About The Author

Before he started writing romance stories, James worked with the special need’s population for 10 Years. He devoted his life giving back to the population. From schools to agencies and everything in between James has worked almost every job within the community. After that, during the pandemic, James decided to start writing to pass the time, but to come through on his promise he made years earlier. He devoted his life to giving back, now he devotes his life to telling his stories.


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Dayna Linton
Dayna Linton
Dayna is the owner of not only Novels Alive but of Day Agency, a full-service self-publishing agency for independent authors. She has been assisting independent authors to achieve their dreams of becoming published authors for over 15 years. From New York Times and USA Today Bestselling authors to the first-time author to every author in between. Dayna is a self-professed bibliophile. While dancing has always been her first love, reading came as a very, very close second, with gardening coming in as a close third. Dayna is also the divorced mom of four adult children and a very proud grandma. She is also a web designer, social media specialist, book blogger, and reviewer. She's a long-time Disney lover and a Utah Jazz, Utah Utes, and Dallas Cowboys fan. See Dayna's reviews here: Dayna's Reviews


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