
With a terrific combination of intrigue, diversity, and romance, The Marquess Makes His Move is a winner.


The Description

Clandestine Affairs: Book 3
Publication Date: March 29, 2022

Diana Quincy returns with the newest novel in the Clandestine Affairs series with a steamy romance about a half-Arab marquess seeking revenge on—and falling for—London’s most famous mapmaker.

The new footman doesn’t seem to know his place…

London’s most renowned mapmaker is a woman…but nobody knows it. If anyone discovers that Rose Fleming is the power and talent behind the family business, the scandal could ruin them. Rose’s secret is tested by the arrival of a handsome new footman who shows far too much interest in his new mistress. Rose battles an intense attraction to the enigmatic servant, but maintaining a proper distance isn’t easy when you and temptation live under the same roof.

She makes him forget he has a score to settle…

Few have met the reclusive half-Arab Marquess of Brandon, who is rumored to live with a harem of beauties among his mother’s people near Jerusalem. Brandon couldn’t care less what society thinks of him, or that his fellow peers are disdainful of his common blood, but he won’t stand for being robbed. That’s why he’s disguised himself as a footman in the home of a respected mapmaker who cheated Brandon out of his land. But the nobleman’s plans for retribution are complicated by his growing attraction for the secretive lady of the house.

When Brandon uncovers the shocking truth about Rose’s role in his stolen birthright, can a love born of deception really conquer all?

The Review

The Marquess Makes His Move is the third book in the Clandestine Affairs series from Diana Quincy

Rose Fleming is caught in a difficult situation. She married her husband hurriedly during a difficult time. He is the face of their mapmaking business, but she is the one that creates the intricate and beautiful maps. Her husband has become emotionally distant but demanding regarding the business. 

Alexander Worthington, Marquess of Brandon, is a man set on revenge. The half-Arab marquess is furious about a misdrawn map that cuts off a needed water source, reclusive but dedicated to his land. Alex gets hired as a footman in the Fleming household to discover the culprit. Things become more interesting when he is assigned to serve Rose exclusively.

There were many things to love about The Marquess Makes His MoveRose is a talented woman forced to hide behind a man instead of being recognized for her own worth. Alex is a very decent man, somewhat caught between two cultures, but proud of his Arab family. 

Diana Quincy created some creative situations in this story—a married heroine, a titled gentleman becoming a servant, a business that is not what it appears. There are many questions to be resolved: What will Rose and Alex do about their growing attraction since she is married? How will Rose react when she learns of Alex’s deception? Why was the incorrect map created? Can a marquess marry a tradeswoman without serious repercussions? I thoroughly enjoyed discovering the answers to these questions. And, once again, Quincy blends some lovely Arab culture into a steamy story. 

With a terrific combination of intrigue, diversity, and romance, The Marquess Makes His Move is a winner.Buy Links

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About The AuthorBestselling author Diana Quincy is an award-winning television journalist who decided to make up her own stories where a happy ending is always guaranteed.

Her books have been included on “Best of” lists in Library Journal and The Washington Post.

As a U.S. Foreign Service brat, Diana grew up all over the world, but is now happily settled in Virginia with her husband and two boys. When not bent over her laptop, Diana spends time with her family, reads, practices yoga, and plots her next travel adventure.




Diane Peterson
Diane Peterson
Diane K. Peterson is a retired school library media specialist that promotes the romance novel industry as an analyst, speaker, and reviewer. She is currently compiling an analytic history of the romance genre. Diane leads classes and workshops for authors and older adults (Osher program). A compulsive “fixer,” she uses her status as a Goodreads librarian to correct and improve book records as well as assisting authors. Diane is a member of RWA and the Missouri RWA chapter.


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With a terrific combination of intrigue, diversity, and romance, The Marquess Makes His Move is a winner.5-STAR REVIEW: THE MARQUESS MAKES HIS MOVE by Diana Quincy