Publication Date: November 19, 2024
The extraordinary story of a young fisherman who became the Founding Father of Christianity, the most influential and enduring institution in history.
2023 Paris Book Festival Winner · 2023 New England Book Festival Winner
He’s one of the most well-known figures in cultures around the world, etched into stained glass, painted in frescoes, even caricatured as standing at the gates of heaven with a long white beard and keys in hand. But long before he was portrayed as a venerated and untouchable figure, Peter was simply known as Simon, a twenty-something fisherman in a far-flung Jewish province controlled by the Roman Empire.
Loyal and faithful, impetuous and passionate, Simon’s quiet life is upended by the arrival of a man called Jesus of Nazareth, rumored to be the long-awaited Messiah who would rescue the Jewish people from oppression. When Simon meets Jesus, the mysterious man tells him, “You will be Peter,” a prophetic statement that would slowly transform Simon’s life. Eager to be free of the Romans, Simon joins Jesus in hopes that he can guard this leader who will, undoubtedly, build an army to challenge Rome. But as Simon waits for the army to form, he watches Jesus show a compassion for others Simon has never seen before. The miracles Jesus performs—healing the sick, feeding crowds of thousands—show not a display of military might, but of service and love.
Real, relatable and impeccably researched, You Will Be Peter draws on the four Gospel accounts to weave Simon Peter’s story into one seamless tapestry. Readers get a front-row seat to Simon’s three-year walk with Jesus, as Simon watches the Son of Man feed the hungry, raise the dead, upend the status quo and challenge the elite during one of world history’s most pivotal seasons.
In perhaps one of the greatest miracles, we can see ourselves in Simon, this ordinary man Jesus chose to accompany Him. Simon wasn’t well-educated, but he was faithful and headstrong. Though he could rush to judgment and use a foul word from time to time, he was the kind of friend who loved fiercely and was doggedly loyal—until he wasn’t. Although he failed, Simon wasn’t cast away from Jesus’ mission. In fact, his failures and subsequent redemption made him a more empathetic and capable rock upon whom the Church was built.
With storytelling artistry that transports readers to the first-century world, with the sights, sounds, and smells of that time, You Will Be Peter shares an age-old story told from a new set of eyes: it’s possible for one ordinary person, however unlikely, to change the world forever.
Rarely does a front cover resonate as much as You Will Be Peter.
It’s somewhat of a reflective portrait of a young fisherman named Simon who was chosen as leader among 12 disciples and later renamed Peter, signifying his rebirth. In contrast, his reflection shows him as an older man marked by his time with Jesus.
Author Jerry Lathan, with Steven Manchester, delves into a character who played a pivotal role in carrying out Christ’s earthly mission. Combining all four Gospels, the story follows Peter through the three years with Jesus, illustrating his evolution and growth.
Aside from the merits of a well-written account, there’s also an important takeaway for readers. Mistakes happen. Failure is merely an opportunity to try again. We start off in life as a Simon, but we can strive to be a Peter.
Readers who might not be as familiar with Scripture will find the text will whet their appetite to know more about the man who inspired Peter to step out in faith.
You Will Be Peter sheds light on the struggles Simon faces as he takes on the task of becoming Peter.
Jerry Lathan brings a wealth of knowledge in telling the remarkable story of Simon Peter. Combining his lifelong interest of history with a decade of research, Jerry has unearthed missing details on the evolution of Simon—the brash fisherman who became Peter. Over forty-plus years, Jerry’s national award-winning construction company has preserved and restored historic churches and other structures and national monuments. His deep interest in the lives of historic characters is central to his calling to author You Will Be Peter. From Jerry’s time as co-owner of Big Easy Studios in New Orleans where more than twelve major movies were filmed, he understands the incredible power of a good story. In this book, the culmination of his life’s work, Jerry shares the real and relatable story of Simon Peter, the very flawed man whom Jesus chose to build His church.

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Woohoo, great review. So glad you loved this one.