EST. 2010


BFF: A Story About Bullycide was a very heartbreaking story, but it made me want to stand up for people a lot more, too. It was also very action-filled, and I enjoyed it very much. I loved this book and will tell my friends to read it. 


The Description

Publication Date: May 1, 2020

Thirteen-year-old Abby and her father have just moved from a leaky old sailboat in California to an inherited mansion in South Carolina, and Abby does not fit in. This is the story of the summer adventures she shares with new best friend, Hollis, and two boys from their class rescuing an injured heron. But when school begins, Abby is shocked to learn that Hollis is a bullied outcast…who, pushed to the limit, takes her own life—a phenomenon known as bullycide. BFF attempts to portray the loss felt by those left behind.


This book deals with suicide, which may be triggering for some readers.

The Review

BFF: A Story About Bullycide by Lindsey G.P. Bell is a middle-school story about Abby, Hollis, Conner, and Trent. Abby is from California and moves to South Carolina, and lives in a historic mansion built by her grandparents. She moves to South Carolina because her mom died, and they inherited the mansion.

Abby is not only sad about losing her mother, but she’s also very sad about leaving her best friend, Noa, in California. But she quickly gains three new friends—Hollis, Conner, and Trent.

Being summer break, Hollis tells Abby a secret, one she has to keep, if she doesn’t, she’ll have to tell a compliment to the school’s bully, Lexie Cross, in front of the whole school. That secret is that Trent accidentally injured a great blue heron, and they have been trying to catch it ever since. The four try to catch the heron all summer, but without any luck. 

One day, Hollis takes Abby and Abby’s dad to meet someone special to Hollis. Everyone in town calls her Stick because she’s very skinny, and Lexie Cross bullies her because she is mentally handicapped. Hollis helps take care of Stick because of this. Later, they find out that Stick is Abby’s aunt.

When school starts, Abby, Hollis, and Conner, sit together on the bus. Lexie bullies Hollis and Connor again, but Abby for the first time. Conner and Trent leave Hollis and Abby when they arrive at school because they are considered “jocks.”

Lexie continues to bully Hollis at school and on the bus, sending her hurtful and cruel notes. Abby finds these notes in Hollis’s locker one day, crumples them up, and throws them across the hall. Later, at lunch, Hollis tells Abby she can’t be friends with her anymore because Hollis’s mom is mad at Abby’s dad. 

BFF: A Story About Bullycide was a very heartbreaking story, but it made me want to stand up for people a lot more, too. It was also very action-filled, and I enjoyed it very much. I loved this book and will tell my friends to read it. 

*NOTE TO PARENTS: This book addresses themes regarding suicide and LGBTQ+ that some parents may consider more appropriate for an older audience. Though Addison is 10, themes within the book have been discussed with her, and she had an understanding of them before reading this book. 

Buy Links

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About The Author

Lindsey G. P. Bell wrote BFF: A Story About Bullycide after seeing numerous articles online about kids aged 9 – 14 who’d taken their lives in the face of bullying. Bell was also bullied in elementary school and wanted to pen the book she would have benefitted from. BFF: A Story About Bullycide is her thirteenth book but the first one she’s published.


Blog Tour Schedule

February 24: The Faerie Review
March 3: Fabulous and Brunette
March 10: Our Town Book Reviews
March 10: Gina Rae Mitchell
March 10: Readers Roost
March 17: Long and Short Reviews
March 17: Novels Alive


Addison Welsh
Addison Welsh
Addison is a 6th-grader at Franklin Middle School. She is on the Sparks dance team with the Dance Factory. She enjoys making YouTube videos, playing Roblox, Minecraft, and hanging out with her friends. She also loves to read!


  1. Hi Addison,
    I love your website and am very excited for BFF: A Story About Bullycide to be featured on it :^) :^) :^). It’s an honor to be reviewed by someone in fifth grade–I actually got all excited when I noticed that you’re ten. Good for you to be reading so much and sharing your invaluable opinions with those of us who write for kids. Thank you for giving BFF a chance and for posting such a thoughtful and in-depth review! All Great Things, Lindsey

    • Thank you! I loved reading the book and especially getting to get to write a review about it. I’m very happy that you saw this and I thought the book was amazing!

  2. I enjoyed following the tour, Lindsey, and learning about BFF: A Story About Bullycide, which sounds like an excellent book for young people to read and I like the cover! Good luck with your book and I hope the tour was a success! Thanks for sharing it with me! Addison, thank you so much for sharing your excellent review and keep up the great work! Have fantastic TGIF!

    • Thanks, Eva–for following my tour and taking the time to let me know :^). I’m very pleased with my tour experience and think Addison knocked it out of the park. I’ve enjoyed seeing your name along the way and hope our paths cross again! Until then, stay safe, have fun, dance like no-one is watching, and laugh until it hurts.


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BFF: A Story About Bullycide was a very heartbreaking story, but it made me want to stand up for people a lot more, too. It was also very action-filled, and I enjoyed it very much. I loved this book and will tell my friends to read it. 5-STAR REVIEW: BFF: A STORY ABOUT BULLYCIDE by Lindsey G. P. Bell