NEW RELEASE: W.A.I.T.loss by Wendy Hendry

About The BookRelease Date: April 12, 2016

Do you know what it’s like to “feel fat”?
Do you beat yourself up when one bite of cookie dough turns into eating the whole batch?
Have you dieted yourself into a larger dress size?
Are you frustrated because hours of exercise have produced zero results?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you are not alone. Studies show that 75% of women suffer from an unhealthy relationship with food. The good news is there is hope.

W.A.I.T.loss: The Keys to Finding Food Freedom and Winning the Battle of the Binge is about Wendy Hendry’s journey to recovery from 35 years of dieting and bingeing. Like many others stuck in their own cerebral food prison, Wendy dieted and binged her way into obesity.

Learning the keys to physical and mindful health that she shares in her book, Wendy was able to heal her body as well as free her mind. Now a certified Health Coach and Fitness Trainer, Wendy’s W.A.I.T. (What Am I Thinking?) and Click approach to recovery has helped hundreds of others find that same freedom. Weight loss should be a natural consequence of healthy living. This book will help you find that.

W.A.I.T.loss: The Keys to Finding Food Freedom and Winning the Battle of the Binge is the perfect combination of storytelling, common sense, humor, and scientific proof that recovery is possible.

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About The Author

Wendy Hendry is considered one of the most inspiring people in the fitness industry. As well as being a fitness instructor and owner of Sweaty Chix Fitness, she has motivated people in her role as Health and Wellness Coach and entrepreneur.

Wendy’s passion for health and fitness was driven by her own personal struggle with food addiction and obesity. In her own personal pursuit of health and healing, she began on a journey that would eventually strike a flame in thousands to get active. Eventually becoming an expert in nutrition as well as fitness, her W.A.I.T. and Click Approach to mindful eating has influenced thousands more to overcome food addictions and unhealthy habits.

Wendy received her Bachelors’s degree in Microbiology from Brigham Young University and is co-founder of Biolynk Corporation, an Antibody Recruitment Company.

She currently lives with her family in the beautiful mountain community of Mapleton, Utah. When she’s not helping clients or at the gym with her husband, she can be found reading Jane Austen, contemplating the amazing blessings that God has given her, and arguing politics with her children.



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