
The Shell Collector is a beautiful book that will touch your heart and bring forth the tears.


The Description

Publication Date: May 11, 2021

The Shell Collector is a beautiful story full of love, loss, and second chances.”—#1 New York Times bestselling author Debbie Macomber

From USA Today bestselling author Nancy Naigle, The Shell Collector is a touching novel of a friendship that crosses generations, and learning how even the smallest gifts can change a life for good.

Two years after her husband’s death, Amanda Whittier has two children to raise alone, an abandoned dream of starting a business, and a fixer-upper cottage by the sea. She has no room in her life for anything else and little interest in moving on after losing the man she loved.

Paul Grant is a relative newcomer to the area, and his work with former military dogs needing rehabilitation has been good for the town. Though he loved once before, he’s convinced he’s not suited for romance and is determined to find meaning—alone—through his work and role in the community.

Widowed Maeve Lindsay was born and raised on Whelk’s Island. Spirited, kind, and a little mischievous, she pours her life into the town. But she carries a secret that shapes her every move.

Together, these three souls find encouragement in the most mysterious places and discover a love that’s bigger than their pain, healing their wounded hearts in ways none of them could have hoped for or expected.



The Review

The Shell Collector by Nancy Naigle is a lovely, contemporary novel that explores issues of grieving and living.

Amanda Whittier lost her beloved Marine husband two years earlier and has moved to the beach area where they were married with their two young children. She is still struggling to deal with her loss and to find some positive direction for her future.

At the beach, she meets the eccentric but loveable Maeve Lindsay. Widowed Maeve is a fount of wisdom and compassion. She becomes a dear friend to Amanda and like a grandmother to the children.

After a while, Amanda discovers that Paul Grant, best friend to her husband and her, lives in the area. Paul had always loved Amanda but didn’t make this known before she committed to her husband. The story evolves as Maeve gently guides Amanda toward self-discovery, and Paul determines to take this chance on love.

The story is beautifully told, with images of the sea and seashells used to illustrate concepts. Maeve is an especially interesting character. She is one of those people who works behind the scenes to improve people’s lives. The town is charming and warm. The only thing that bothered me a little was that everything was so perfect. Amanda’s marriage is portrayed as fully loving and supportive. Amanda herself is talented, kind, and a wonderful mother. Maeve is an understanding wise woman. Paul is successful, handsome, and loving. The kids are sweet and clever. All of this perfection made a wonderful story, but it was a little unrealistic.

The Shell Collector is a beautiful book that will touch your heart and bring forth the tears.

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About The Author

USA TODAY Bestselling author, Nancy Naigle, writes love stories from the crossroad of small town and suspense.

With a career spent on the cutting edge of technology in the banking industry, she never let go of her dream to write. Now she works full-time writing stories that are a calming blend of community, family, and the simple things in life. She writes the kind of stories she hopes will provide an escape from the hectic day-to-day in the make believe worlds she creates.


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Diane Peterson
Diane Peterson
Diane K. Peterson is a retired school library media specialist that promotes the romance novel industry as an analyst, speaker, and reviewer. She is currently compiling an analytic history of the romance genre. Diane leads classes and workshops for authors and older adults (Osher program). A compulsive “fixer,” she uses her status as a Goodreads librarian to correct and improve book records as well as assisting authors. Diane is a member of RWA and the Missouri RWA chapter.


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The Shell Collector is a beautiful book that will touch your heart and bring forth the tears.4.5-STAR REVIEW: THE SHELL COLLECTOR by Nancy Naigle