
Overall, Marple was an excellent continuation of Agatha Christie’s genius. It was like snuggling up with a blanket and drinking hot apple cider on a sunny fall day. A cozy book to snuggle up to and leisurely read while keeping your own mind whirling while you try to solve the mystery before even the great Miss Marple does.


The Description

Publication Date: September 13, 2022

One doesn’t stop at one murder…

Jane Marple is an elderly lady from St Mary Mead who possesses an uncanny knack for solving even the most perplexing puzzles. Now, for the first time in 45 years, Agatha Christie’s beloved character returns to the page for a globe-trotting tour of crime and detection.

Join Marple as she travels through her sleepy English village and around the world. In St Mary Mead, a Christmas dinner is interrupted by unexpected guests; the Broadway stage in New York City is set for a dangerous improvisation; bad omens surround an untimely death aboard a cruise ship to Hong Kong; and a bestselling writer on holiday in Italy is caught in a nefarious plot. These and other crimes committed in the name of love, jealousy, blackmail, and revenge are ones that only the indomitable Jane Marple can solve.

Bringing a fresh twist to the hallmarks of a classic Agatha Christie mystery, these twelve esteemed writers have captured the sharp wit, unique voice, and droll ingenuity of the deceptively demure detective. A triumphant celebration of Christie’s legacy and essential reading for crime lovers, Marple is a timely reminder why Jane Marple remains one of the most famous detectives of all time.

The Review

From murder in her small village to multiple murders on an international river cruise, Miss Marple has solved them all! In Marple: Twelve New Mysteries, inspired by Agatha Christie’s classic character, Jane Marple’s tales continues with twelve new stories, each author taking on their own twist to her adventures.

I am a huge Agatha Christie fan. To me, she is one of the only authors to continue to surprise me with every story. So naturally, I was a little nervous to see how other authors would take up the mantle of the Mystery Icon.

But wow, did they do a great job! If you did not know this was an anthology, you truly could believe each story was penned straight from Christie herself. Personally, three stories, in particular, grabbed me and just didn’t let go.

“Evil in Small Places” by Lucy Foley was a perfect start to the book. It had great twists and turns but still gave you enough clues that you might be able to keep up with Miss Marple’s sharp mind.

The Second of my favorites was “A Deadly Wedding Day” by Dreda Say Mitchell. I honestly could have read an entire series of Miss Marple and Miss Bella solving crimes together, both bringing such depth to the story.

Finally, and the one that surprised me the most was “The Murdering Sort” by Karen M. McManus. I am not normally a fan of first-person narration, especially not with mysteries. But McManus hit the nail on the head with how to write a compelling mystery with first-person narration that kept you guessing at every turn. Please give me more of Nicola learning her dear Aunt’s ways and keeping us on our toes with unique mysteries.

Overall, Marple was an excellent continuation of Agatha Christie’s genius. It was like snuggling up with a blanket and drinking hot apple cider on a sunny fall day. A cozy book to snuggle up to and leisurely read while keeping your own mind whirling while you try to solve the mystery before even the great Miss Marple does.

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Tierney Linton
Tierney Linton
A graduate of the University of Utah, with a degree in Education. She has always had a great love for both children and books. Tierney is our children's book reviewer as well as a reviewer of other book genres including mystery, paranormal, and history.


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Overall, Marple was an excellent continuation of Agatha Christie’s genius. It was like snuggling up with a blanket and drinking hot apple cider on a sunny fall day. A cozy book to snuggle up to and leisurely read while keeping your own mind whirling while you try to solve the mystery before even the great Miss Marple does.5-STAR REVIEW: AGATHA CHRISTIE'S MARPLE: TWELVE NEW MYSTERIES by Multiple Authors