INTERVIEW: 10 Questions with Catherine Bybee

We are very pleased to be a part of the Catherine Bybee Book blog tour for her upcoming released NOT QUITE FOREVER.

We hope you will enjoy Catherine’s answers to our “10 Questions With…” interview, learn more about her upcoming releases.

Please join us in extending a warm welcome to New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author…Catherine Bybee!

Back to school time. In your high school yearbook would your “Mostly likely to…” title have read, “…become a Bestselling Author,” or something completely different and what might it have been instead?

My high school year book would have said… Most likely to become an award winning actress.

Trick or Treat? When you’ve hit a mental brick wall while writing a story, do you have a special “trick” for getting back on track, or have you found that simply giving yourself the “treat” of time away will help break the spell?

Not sure about a trick…but If I’m ‘what’s nexting’ I will go back and re-read everything I’ve written and learn where I need to go, or back out of where I shouldn’t be.

You are attending a Halloween costume ball as your favorite literary character and suddenly find yourself falling through a wormhole into their universe. How much time would you want to spend there before you start looking for an escape route home or would you want to stay indefinitely?

Depends on if I’m there as an observer, a servant, or a queen. Let’s face it, a queen for a day wouldn’t suck. Unless it was the day of her beheading. Just sayin’.

Speaking of going back in time…Authors sometimes go back into their backlist and re-release a revised edition, or in the case of novellas, a new expanded edition for a fresh reading by their audience. Is there a story from your collection of work that you would like to or already have plans to release again with revisions?

I don’t think I’d go in and change anything… just write another chapter in the series. I like my werewolf novellas and wouldn’t mind re-visiting The Ritter Boys.

When it comes time to laying out the big spread for Thanksgiving, are you most likely to be the one to give Martha Stewart a run for her money in the kitchen or the one they only trust (culinary speaking) to bring over some packaged rolls?

Martha and I have a few things in common…not the prison time mind you…but I can cook. My turkey is always moist, my pies always homemade. I even know how to make homemade eggnog for Christmas. Eggnog worth drinking. Fruit cake, on the other hand, should be tossed outside and given to the dogs that bark too much next door.

Many authors include a list of acknowledgments or “Thank you” messages in the beginning of their books. Is there one person that you always try to remember to mention and why?

More than one person. My critique partner, Angel Martinez, my agent, Jane Dystel, and my publisher/editors at Montlake. Oh, and I can never forget my assistant. She’s total awesomesauce!

Whether it’s shopping for gifts to put under the Christmas tree or other holiday gift giving, are you one of those people who starts stockpiling in JULY or will you be scrambling at the last minute to complete your list?

I start December 1st…try and finish up by the 20th. Christmas is about family, not gifts. My kids are older now, so the $$ spent is more, but the gifts are fewer. Easier to manage.

There is just something special about love stories set around the holidays. Do you have a favorite holiday romance that you would recommend or one of your own that will be gracing the shelves this year?

NOT QUITE FOREVER does take place during the holidays. Halloween, Thanksgiving…and a taste of Christmas are represented. Lets not forget NOT QUITE DATING… that happens just after Halloween and ends on Christmas day.

When it comes to making “New Year’s Resolutions,” do you tend to make ones that will be easy to keep or are you still working on ones you have made in the past and are determined to accomplish this year?

I don’t believe in New Year Resolutions. If you want to start something new…do it today, don’t wait.

Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us today and for sharing some holiday secrets.

Thanks for having me!

To close out this session, is there is a story that you are working on now or one recently released that you would like to share something about?

Enjoy NOT QUITE FOREVER, and be sure and go back and read the rest of the series, starting with NOT QUITE DATING.

About The Book

Not Quite ForeverThe Not Quite Series, Book Four Montlake Romance, Contemporary November 04, 2014, First Edition Paperback & Kindle.

The touching and heartwarming fourth novel in the wildly popular Not Quite series from New York Times bestselling author Catherine Bybee.

Romance author Dakota Laurens believes that happily-ever-afters exist only between the covers of her sexy novels. But to her surprise, she finds a real-life hero when she meets a handsome emergency room doctor. The outspoken author feels an instant and intense attraction to Dr. Walt Eddy, and the feeling is mutual. When the globetrotting doctor pulls a disappearing act on Dakota, she’s prepared to write him off…until fate brings a blindsiding twist to her story.

Still scarred from a past tragedy, Walt may have disappeared on Dakota, but now he’s determined to win her back. For the first time in years, he knows he’s ready for a new chance at love. Yet between Dakota’s doubts and two sets of meddling parents, can the once-blissful couple finally create the bright, loving future they desperately want?


“Bybee’s magnetic fourth Not Quite contemporary proves that romance can happen in the most unlikely places… The love scenes are sizzling and the multi-dimensional characters make this a page-turner. Readers will look for earlier installments and eagerly anticipate new ones.” –Publishers Weekly

“Not Quite Forever is Catherine Bybee at her finest: true-to-life characters on a wild and wonderful path toward their happily ever after.” –Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author Tracy Brogan

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About The Author
Catherine Bybee

New York Times  & USA Today bestselling author Catherine Bybee was raised in Washington State, but after graduating high school, she moved to Southern California in hopes of becoming a movie star. After growing bored with waiting tables, she returned to school and became a registered nurse, spending most of her career in urban emergency rooms. She now writes full-time and has penned the Weekday Brides Series and the Not Quite Series. Bybee lives with her husband and two teenage sons in Southern California.

Teresa Spreckelmeyer
Teresa Spreckelmeyer
I am the owner of Midnight Muse Designs, which provides creative book cover ART for eBook and Print that feature one of a kind art designs, as well as a selection of truly unique EXCLUSIVE designs.


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