EST. 2010


I loved Goodnight Swogg the Silly Frog and would be very happy to read this to any kiddo as part of our bedtime memories. Here is to our own happy place, just like Skunk Hollow!


The Description

Publication Date: September 2, 2020

Goodnight Swogg the Silly Frog was created from a proud grandfather’s—Grump C’—dream. This is the first of Grump C‘s stories about Swogg and his ten friends who all live most happily in a beautiful bog called Skunk Hollow. The cleverness, creativity, and passion Swogg shows for his friends will hopefully delight, amaze, and inspire you and your children. If your child had a tough day, needs a laugh, or occasionally has troubles falling asleep—this is exactly what Swogg the Silly Frog and his ten friends do best!


One night, Swogg was very tired

but he could not get to sleep…

…because—the Bubbly


Swogg thought and thought.

What shall I do?

The Review

Bedtime stories are always something we remember fondly. Cozying up with our parents and trying our best not to fall asleep on their shoulders as they read is a special memory that can’t be forgotten. And Goodnight Swogg the Silly Frog by Grump C. is a perfect addition to any bedtime routine.

I loved the illustrations in this book. They are bright, clean, and fun! The story is so cute and simple and an excellent tool for helping children fall asleep, even when they might struggle. I can see this being a great story to read to a child when they are going through the phase of fighting sleep or helping them learn how to block out some of the sounds that just happen as they go to bed. It is a sweet way to help them learn to dream about the good and what makes you happy, and you can sleep through anything!

I loved Goodnight Swogg the Silly Frog and would be very happy to read this to any kiddo as part of our bedtime memories. Here is to our own happy place, just like Skunk Hollow!

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About The Author

Mark Cooley, or Grump C, had a vivid dream that compelled him to write his first story, Goodnight Swogg the Silly Frog, for his three grandchildren, Hadley, Tommy, and Ella.

Caring and sharing are truly wonderful traits Grandpa Carl, Grump C, and Silly Swogg all consider of utmost importance. The profits from this effort will go to CORAL – Coral Reef Alliance and WWF World Wildlife Foundation.

We sincerely hope that Swogg the Silly Frog and his ten friends can inspire and amuse children across the world.


Blog Tour Schedule

October 7: Novels Alive
October 7: Our Town Book Reviews
October 14: Sandra’s Book Club
October 14: Andi’s Kids Books
October 14: The Avid Reader
October 21: Fabulous and Brunette
October 21: Gina Rae Mitchell
October 28: Travel the Ages
October 28: Westveil Publishing


Tierney Linton
Tierney Linton
A graduate of the University of Utah, with a degree in Education. She has always had a great love for both children and books. Tierney is our children's book reviewer as well as a reviewer of other book genres including mystery, paranormal, and history.



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I loved Goodnight Swogg the Silly Frog and would be very happy to read this to any kiddo as part of our bedtime memories. Here is to our own happy place, just like Skunk Hollow!5-STAR REVIEW: GOODNIGHT SWOGG THE SILLY FROG by Grump C