INTERVIEW: CRASH AND BURN by Michelle Callahan With Giveaway

How did you get started writing?

My mom read to me when I was little. A lot. I used to beg and beg her to read the same handful of books to me. I love books. I loved reading first and realized that I loved stories. Once I thought that maybe I could tell a story, the characters started pouring into my head much, much faster than I could get them out. (I have an “Idea Notebook” that will never be fully utilized. ? )

What genre(s) do you write in and why?

I write in 4 genres because I love them. I write sci-fi & paranormal romance because I have never been able to get over my crush on Han Solo. Ever. And because immortality would be SO cool.

I write contemporary romance because I love the emotional intensity of stripping away all the trappings of the paranormal/sci-fi world and getting to the heart of what makes people fall in love. Why trust, or dream, or want? I love the focus and intensity of contemporary romance.

And I write hard science fiction because the crazy, convoluted, twisted plots won’t work anywhere else. ? And because sometimes it’s fun to just have an adventure, use cool gadgets, and kill things with aliens in space. (Star Trek, anyone??? Beam me up, Scotty!)

What is your favorite part of writing?

This has changed over time. I used to love the thrill of starting something new. A new story is like a new toy, it’s shiny and it sparkles, and it makes you feel so special. A new project has infinite possibilities. But now, I love the editing process. I know that sounds weird, but I love taking something that may or may not be that great, collaborating with another brain (usually my editor or a writer friend) and then dissecting each scene with a scalpel. The final product is so much better than what I started out with that I get even MORE excited than I was when I first started the story. That’s really what keeps me addicted to the process.

What is it that makes your writing different from all the others in your genre?

I think this answer is the same for every author out there – my voice. No one sees what I see. No two people think the same way, or care about the same things equally. We are all unique in the world, and that’s what’s so fantastic about it. People are fascinating, and unique, and amazing. I love that.

Tell us about your next book & when is it being published?

Cover Crash and Burn by M CallahanMy newest book is CRASH AND BURN and it comes out Jan 14! One day, when I sat down to work on my sci-fi story, this crazy hot Walker Brother showed up in my head, and told me that he and his three brothers were adopted. He also told me that they had just lost their mom.

However, their mother was one sneaky woman. She made each of her sons make her certain promises when they were young boys. When the will is read, the brothers find out that their mother expects them to keep those promises!

In CRASH AND BURN, Chance sets out to keep the promise he made to his mom, and to himself, when he was ten years old. Doing that is going to change his life forever.

There is a lot of music in the story, and I wrote song lyrics that told a bit of Chance and Erin’s love story. Thanks to some great real-life musicians, that song will be out on iTunes and other retailers this month. All the books in the Love You Like A Love Song series will have original theme songs based on their love stories. Why? I don’t know. Why not?

Happy Reading!

Michele Callahan

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About The Author

M.L. / Michele Callahan is a sci-fi fanatic, romance fan and full time writer whose earliest movie memories are of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo falling in love with Leia, and light sabers. (Still waiting on Santa to come through on that one.) ML writes sci-fi action adventure as ML Callahan, and romance as Michele Callahan. And when she’s not writing, she reads, binge watches her favorite TV shows, or pretends she’s not watching anime over the shoulders of her teenage children.




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