GUEST BLOG: When Reviewers Give You Lemons…by Ruth A. Casie Plus Giveaway!

Every author gets them now and again, a bad review. We encourage our readers to write a review. We aim for the stars and hope our stories sparkle like champagne rather fall flat and are tart-like lemons. With all the work authors go through to encourage readers to leave reviews, do authors read them?

I must tell you many authors are encouraged not to read reviews and to some extent that may be right. After all, a review is only one person’s opinion, and you cannot please everyone. With three children I learned that very quickly.

I was so excited when my first book Knight of Runes, was published. Ok. I will admit that I get excited when each book is published. It really never gets old. But with my first book I was so eager and hungry to be part of this new world. My author friends were enthusiastic, encouraging, and excited for me. I signed books for them. I was asked to speak at meetings. I was asked to speak to readers. It was exciting and wonderful.

I remember my first 5-star review and the ones that followed. I diligently read every review to see what resonated and what didn’t. My story was well-received. My characters were adored. My career was off to a great start.

Then there was a speed bump. A 1-star review. I remember staring at the rating before reading the review. When I got the courage (yes, it took courage) to read it I was shocked. There was little about the story in the review but a whole lot about me. It was a personal attack.

I remember the hurt, the fear, the I’ll-never-write-again feeling. My editor and friends set me on the right course. But that review lingered in the back of my mind. So… in my new book, The Lady and Her Quill, my heroine Lady Alicia Hartley, is one of those scribbling women of the Regency who gets a review that attacks her self-confidence and set her in a tailspin… Sound familiar? It takes a special person to help her through her issues and Captain Justin Caulfield may just be the person she needs, in so many ways!

Postscript: Today, I would thank that reviewer. She made me stronger, more resilient, and much more determined.

About The Book

The Ladies of Sommer by the Sea: Book 1
Publication Date: November 16, 2021

Her mind kept telling her to stop loving him, but her heart couldn’t let him go.

Renowned author Lady Alicia Hartley has lost her muse after a bad review. She blames it all on the author JC Melrose. A chance encounter with a handsome, witty Justin Caulfield has her heart racing, and her muse seemingly back. Is he her savior or her worst nightmare?

He didn’t see the turbulent ocean. He was too busy dealing with a different tempest.

The recently retired Captain Justin Caulfield is facing his own demons. As gifted author JC Melrose, his stories honor men who died at the hand of one man. His only focus is to avenge their deaths, that is until he meets and falls in love with Lady Alicia.

The two authors take on a writing challenge to determine the better writer. While researching the story, she is captured by Justin’s nemesis. Can Lady Alicia turn this mystery into an award-winning story? Can Justin save his own real-life heroine?

Can they both overcome their own challenges for a happily ever after?

Buy Links

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US Giveaway (2 winners): $10 Amazon Gift Card + signed paperback for any book in Ruth’s backlist (winner’s choice).

UK Giveaway (2 winners): eBook of any book in Ruth’s backlist (winner’s choice).

The giveaway ends on December 3rd. You must be 18 or older to enter.

The Lady and Her Quill

About The Author

Ruth A. CasieHi – I’m Ruth A. Casie and I write historical and contemporary romance. You might be wondering what I’m about. Sit back and let me tell you.

I’m happiest when I’m telling stories either chatting in a group or writing them down. I love to put my hero and heroine in tough situations and dare them to work it out—together, always together. They haven’t disappointed. Oh, they complain but in the end their love and relationships are stronger than ever.

My stories feature strong women and the men who deserve them, endearing flaws and all. They will keep you turning the pages until the end. I hope my books become your favorite adventures.


Blog Tour Schedule

Monday, November 29
Guest Post at Novels Alive
Excerpt at A Soccer Mom’s Book Blog

Tuesday, November 30
Excerpt at Bookworlder
Review at Anna’s Book Blog

Wednesday, December 1
Review at Bonnie Reads and Writes
Excerpt at Historical Fiction with Spirit

Thursday, December 2
Excerpt at Triquetra Reviews
Review at Gwendalyn’s Books

Friday, December 3
Review at Novels Alive
Excerpt at SplendeurCaisse
Review at With A Book In Our Hands

Dayna Linton
Dayna Linton
Dayna is the owner of not only Novels Alive but of Day Agency, a full-service self-publishing agency for independent authors. She has been assisting independent authors to achieve their dreams of becoming published authors for over 15 years. From New York Times and USA Today Bestselling authors to the first-time author to every author in between. Dayna is a self-professed bibliophile. While dancing has always been her first love, reading came as a very, very close second, with gardening coming in as a close third. Dayna is also the divorced mom of four adult children and a very proud grandma. She is also a web designer, social media specialist, book blogger, and reviewer. She's a long-time Disney lover and a Utah Jazz, Utah Utes, and Dallas Cowboys fan. See Dayna's reviews here: Dayna's Reviews



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