We’ve Merged!
Novels Alive and Between Your Sheets would like to announce their merger effective today! We are excited about this merger and look forward to seeing our dreams bloom under the direction of Novels Alive.
Novels Alive offers an exciting format with the author news, releases, contests, loyal subscribers came to love on BYS, but also reviews and video interviews, too! There is so much more to come so stay tuned to Novels Alive TV!
Between Your Sheets will begin forwarding all visitors to their site to Novels Alive starting July 15th.
We are happy to welcome the loyal subscribers and visitors of Between Your Sheets to Novels Alive TV.
RT @novelsalivetv: Novels Alive TV merges with Between Your Sheets!:
Novels Alive TV and Between Your Sheets w… http://t.co/5J5zR0Myy9 @…
RT @novelsalivetv: Novels Alive TV merges with Between Your Sheets!:
Novels Alive TV and Between Your Sheets w… http://t.co/5J5zR0Myy9 @…
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