4-STAR REVIEW: THE MISSING PROFESSOR by Andrea Instone, Translated by Rachel Reynolds

The Description

Fraülein Schumacher Investigates: Book 1
Publication Date: July 19, 2021

In 1926, young Emma finds herself leading a sheltered life with her grandmother in England, where her aunt’s dramatic squabbling is the greatest excitement in her daily routine. But then one day, Emma receives a letter that makes her think her father, a professor of Egyptology at the University of Bonn, is in danger. She decides to return to Bonn to figure out firsthand what might have happened to him. Her search eventually takes her to various museums around the region in an effort to track down her elusive, missing father. A mysterious ancient cat figurine, strange letters, rival suitors, and a new self-confidence result in Emma becoming more comfortable with herself and more secure in her ability to untangle puzzles that others find unsolvable. A charming mystery about the 1920s Egyptomania craze and the brave new world facing young women in the Roaring Twenties!

The Review

The Missing Professor by Andrea Instone and translated to English by Rachel Reynolds is a detective and crime novel set in 1926 with lots of twists and turns and several characters who were often difficult to sort out. There were similar names (too many last names started with M) and those in similar fields that it took a while to get everyone straight. The story takes place in England and Germany, and there are beautifully written descriptions that made me feel like I was there.

Emma lives in England with her maternal grandmother and aunt while her father and his sister live in Germany, where she grew up until her mother’s death. Emma and her father see each other once a year for her birthday and to be together to remember her mother’s death. Her father is a professor of some renown whose specialty is Egyptian artifacts. 

When Emma receives a letter from her father that doesn’t seem like his handwriting, she starts to worry for a few reasons. When weeks go by, and no one hears from him except for receiving more correspondence that’s out of character, she decides to head to Germany and see what’s going on.

As the timeline is built to determine when Emma’s father was last seen and by whom, we get into the nitty-gritty of the story. Emma plays sleuth too many times to count and is always in the thick of things. Her investigation doesn’t endear her to many of the characters whose paths she crosses. 

Many characters have a depth to them, but also many have unsavory sides. Quite a few people are going in and out of her aunt’s house in Germany, and Emma doesn’t know who to trust but seems to always share what she’s learned about the disappearance and missing artifacts with everyone she comes in contact with. 

When the police start looking for her father’s whereabouts, they feel there may be a darker side to him. Emma and her aunt don’t want to believe it’s true, but what will the police uncover? The story has clues and red herrings throughout, and you have to sift through them to find out the true meaning behind some of the details left behind. 

Many storylines are being woven together that add layers to the story. Multiple crimes are being committed, secrets, injuries and illness, fear, anger, investigations, interviews, lots of food, and gatherings with friends and family along with some romance. There is closure with solving the crimes but enough loose ends to bring us to further books in the series.

Ms. Instone is a new-to-me author. The Missing Professor is the first book that was translated into English, and there are twelve books in the German series. I hope more will be translated and that I get a chance to read them.Buy Links

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About The AuthorMy real name is Andrea Instone (which, contrary to some rumors, is not a pseudonym) and I write with great enthusiasm in various genres, because I am an equally enthusiastic reader of these genres. Why should I rein in my imagination? Sometimes I feel like something silly, sometimes tension or fantastic worlds. You probably don’t feel that much differently.

I have been working as an indie author since 2017, but now also write for publishers and have now acquired a pseudonym under which I would like to give my romantic side the opportunity to write. I have ideas for at least a hundred more novels – let’s see how many of them I’ll actually write.

JoAnne Weiss, nee Montalbano, was born and raised in NYC until moving to CT with her family when she was 16 and she's never left. Married for 41 years with one grown son, she works in an elementary school office where she's been since it opened in 2003. Prior to that, she was an accountant in several corporations before becoming a stay at home mom for 12 years. JoAnne enjoys reading, traveling, spending time with her family, and extended family as well as with friends. She enjoys cooking and rarely uses a recipe the way it was intended but instead uses them and cooking shows to give her new ideas and suggestions. JoAnne has a huge bucket list of places she'd like to visit but has been lucky enough to travel to England, Italy, the Caribbean, Mexico, Canada, and many states in the U.S. including Hawaii, California, Nevada, Arizona, and Maine among others. Some of JoAnne's favorite genres include contemporary romance, chick-lit, romantic suspense, and historical romances including regency and those set in the west. JoAnne is on several author's street teams and enjoys interacting with many of them on Facebook as well as reading their newsletters. She has been lucky enough to meet some of her favorite authors among them Susan Mallery, Debbie Macomber, Nora Roberts, Meg Tilly, Beatriz Williams, and Marie Bostwick. JoAnne took a road trip with her sister in the fall of 2019 and visited Nora Roberts' bookstore in Boonsboro, Maryland for an authors' signing. She hopes to do more of this in the future. JoAnne leaves reviews for all books she reads on Goodreads and her reviews can be found at https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/5001736?ref=nav_mybooks JoAnne currently reviews for - NovelsAlive.com and RomanceJunkies.com which is on hiatus. Previously she reviewed for Romancing-the-Book.com which has since closed. Payment is in the form of receiving free books to read and review. Her mantra is too many books and not enough time!


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Ms. Instone is a new-to-me author. The Missing Professor is the first book that was translated into English, and there are twelve books in the German series. I hope more will be translated and that I get a chance to read them.4-STAR REVIEW: THE MISSING PROFESSOR by Andrea Instone, Translated by Rachel Reynolds