
With thrilling twists and masterful misdirection, The Sound of Broken Glass is a perfect continuation of Duncan and Gemma and leaves you highly anticipating the next installment in the series.


The Description

Duncan Kincaid & Gemma James: Book 15
Publication Date: February 19, 2013

Scotland Yard detectives Duncan Kincaid and Gemma James are on the case in Deborah Crombie’s The Sound of Broken Glass, a captivating mystery that blends a murder from the past with a powerful danger in the present.

When Detective Inspector James joins forces with Detective Inspector Melody Talbot to solve the murder of an esteemed barrister, their investigation leads them to realize that nothing is what it seems—with the crime they’re investigating and their own lives.

The Review

A barrister is found dead in…less than wholesome circumstances. In The Sound of Broken Glass by Deborah Crombie, the next installment of the Duncan Kincaid & Gemma James Mystery Series, Gemma and her partner Melody must solve the murder of a prickly barrister before the killer strikes again. But when Melody gets a little too familiar with a witness who quickly starts to become a suspect, things start to become a bit more complicated.

This is the second book in the series I have had the pleasure to read, and it did not disappoint! Crombie has a skill at creating characters that you immediately become attached to. I am already rooting for relationships, no matter the obstacles. And when it comes to the mystery aspect, Crombie delivers perfectly. She builds unique twists that tie so perfectly into the story, and if you have a very, very sharp eye, you might catch onto it. She never has anything so out there and unbelievable. I have become such a quick fan of Crombie’s writing, and I am dying to read the next book!

With thrilling twists and masterful misdirection, The Sound of Broken Glass is a perfect continuation of Duncan and Gemma and leaves you highly anticipating the next installment in the series.

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About The AuthorDeborah Crombie is a New York Times bestselling author and a native Texan who has lived in both England and Scotland. She now lives in McKinney, Texas, sharing a house that is more than one hundred years old with her husband, two cats, and two German shepherds.



Tierney Linton
Tierney Linton
A graduate of the University of Utah, with a degree in Education. She has always had a great love for both children and books. Tierney is our children's book reviewer as well as a reviewer of other book genres including mystery, paranormal, and history.


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With thrilling twists and masterful misdirection, The Sound of Broken Glass is a perfect continuation of Duncan and Gemma and leaves you highly anticipating the next installment in the series.5-STAR REVIEW: THE SOUND OF BROKEN GLASS by Deborah Crombie