GUEST BLOG: What Inspired Me To Write A Book by Dr. Tara Hines-McCoy Plus Giveaway!

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Hello everybody! I am Dr. Tara Hines-McCoy. I am an Amazon #1 New Release contributing author of Shut’EM Down: Black Women, Racism, and Corporate America. Originally from Little Rock, Arkansas, but I have lived in 7 different states. I do my best writing in my mind while working out, driving around, or in the shower. I am a compelling communicator and use my gifts, experiences, and my faith to inspire people to take control and move forward in life. I have been a rising thought leader in corporate America for over 15 years specializing in Human Resources. Like many of you, I have overcome life-changing experiences throughout my personal and professional career.

I always knew growing up as a child that I loved to write. This followed me to college thus, I majored in Speech, Communication, and Theatre. During that time, I dabbled a little bit with writing and had an article published in a local Christian magazine. After which, I never really thought much of it. As I navigated life, the desire to write a book always stayed with me. A few months into the pandemic, I saw a post seeking black women who had encountered racism. I read the requirements but was apprehensive about applying because this was a completely unchartered path for me. However, the opportunity weighed heavy on my mind. After a discussion with a friend, she encouraged me to apply. The application process required a brief synopsis of the story the writer wanted to share, and I immediately recalled a situation I had with my 10th-grade honors English teacher in addition to sharing my daughters’ unfortunate experience she had with her 8th grade English teacher. Yes, apparently, there is something about English teachers. Once I was notified that I was selected as a contributing author, I knew that was confirmation that it was time to share my story.

The more I put pen to paper, feelings regarding a recent experience took over my storyline. Feelings that I had not internalized poured into the chapter and filled spaces that I didn’t even know were empty. My chapter evolved into something I did not intend to write about but became one of the most pivotal stories that impacted my personal and professional life. Due to the social unrest of 2020, diversity conversations are occurring all around us. The voices behind these stories empower women to talk about things they would not talk about before now. This is what inspired me to be a contributing author. Writing is what has landed me here today.

About The Book

Shut'em DownShut’em Down is the battle cry of Black women who have suffered abuse and trauma at the hands of corporate America. Composed of the stories of 20 Black women who have been impacted by racism in the workplace, this anthology not only offers us conversation starters on how to combat racism on the job but also transformative ideas to create safer workspaces for Black professionals.



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About The Author

Tara MccoyDr. Tara Hines-McCoy, a native of Little Rock, AR is a compelling communicator who uses her gifts, her experiences and her faith to inspire women to take control and move forward in life. Dr. Tara has been a rising thought leader in corporate America for over 15 years specializing in Human Resources. She has worked for Fortune 500 and multinational companies with multi-state and regional leadership roles. Her professional approach equips leaders with the tools needed to improve business performance and increase employee engagement.

As a divorced mother of one daughter she has a vibrant personality that aids in her ability to connect with people on all levels. Dr. Tara has overcome life-changing experiences throughout her personal and professional career. She has found a way to connect with women by encouraging them to move past their failures, by defining their own character in order to turn uncertainty to passion. An avid walker, lover of all thing’s basketball, football, and tennis. She is a self-proclaimed popcorn connoisseur. Of her many accomplishments, Dr. Tara is most proud to be a mother.

Dayna Linton
Dayna Linton
Dayna is the owner of not only Novels Alive but of Day Agency, a full-service self-publishing agency for independent authors. She has been assisting independent authors to achieve their dreams of becoming published authors for over 15 years. From New York Times and USA Today Bestselling authors to the first-time author to every author in between. Dayna is a self-professed bibliophile. While dancing has always been her first love, reading came as a very, very close second, with gardening coming in as a close third. Dayna is also the divorced mom of four adult children and a very proud grandma. She is also a web designer, social media specialist, book blogger, and reviewer. She's a long-time Disney lover and a Utah Jazz, Utah Utes, and Dallas Cowboys fan. See Dayna's reviews here: Dayna's Reviews


  1. I love Dr. Tara’s story and the pivot she made to follow her heart and do what she felt called to. Life has a funny way of bringing us back to the things that we were always meant to do or become. I am glad that you were able to share your story, Dr. Tara. The book was amazing!!

  2. This book is an amazing, must read. It addresses issues many of us have experienced. It is practical and very timely.

    Buy the book! Use it in classrooms. Read it with your teenage children. Life lessons….

    Dr. Bridgette Heard
    Lincoln College

  3. Amazing book!! Women sharing their triumphs in also their pains. Dr. Tara’s story sticks out and resonates with being a black woman in corporate America.

  4. Dr. Tara thanks for sharing your story. This book created a great platform to encourage others to share their story. You continue to make us proud parents.

    • You’re most welcome, Dr. Hines-McCoy! Your anthology sounds like a fascinating read. Everyone should be interested in learning how to become more sensitive to race relations in the workplace and beyond.

      This past summer was heartwrenching for me as I’m sure it was for most people watching or involved in the protests, and I reached out to my Black friends, asking them what I could do to help with the cause. The #1 answer I got from all of them was “listen.” I didn’t necessarily find that shocking. I find it sad. Many of them said their white friends ignored them when they called out their racist or insensitive statements. We all need to be more sensitive, and we need to listen. If something we say or do hurts our Black friends or colleagues, we need to stop what we are doing. Period. And we need to learn the history of our black brothers and sisters as well, which is something I have made a very conscious effort to do over the summer and beyond. When we understand history, we can better understand reactions and civil unrest and heal and make things right.


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