Category: Historical Romance

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INTERVIEW: New York Times Bestselling Author Bobbi Smith

Come experience the adventure of the past from the pen of Award winning New York Times Bestselling Author Bobbi Smith and be swept away in the arms of love. This author of...

BLOG POST: I Want to be a Bridgerton

If one were given the opportunity to step into the pages of a book and live inside the world of an author’s creation, then I would happily choose any one of The...

Re-Defining the Romantic Hero

For too long your typical romance novel, whether set in the modern age or times long past, there was a generic formula to follow—noble hero meets and saves helpless female from whatever...

Anthologies Are Like a Box of Chocolates…

…You never know what you’re going to get. Yes, I went full-on Gump there and borrowed a famous line, but it’s absolutely true when it comes to reading a great anthology novel. Like...

The Magic of Medeiros

Disclaimer: Reading a Teresa Medeiros novel is not conducive to a good night's sleep! Why the disclaimer you might ask? Because I believe in giving fair warning before luring innocent new readers into...

Loving Lindsey

I think I was about fourteen years old when I put away my Judy Blume’s and picked up my very first historical romance novel, GLORIOUS ANGEL by Johanna Lindsey. The book inspired...

INTERVIEW: Breath of Heaven by Cindy Holby

This week delves into the heart of romance with Cindy Holby and her newest release BREATH OF HEAVEN. This multi-published multi-genre writer may live in the shadow of Pilot Mountain, in...

Discovering Dare

Tessa Dare is a remarkably talented relative new comer on the scene of romantic literature. Her first series trio (GODDESS OF THE HUNT, SURRENDER OF A SIREN and A LADY OF PERSUASION)...


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