Category: Historical Romance

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The Magic of Medeiros

Disclaimer: Reading a Teresa Medeiros novel is not conducive to a good night's sleep! Why the disclaimer you might ask? Because I believe in giving fair warning before luring innocent new readers into...

Loving Lindsey

I think I was about fourteen years old when I put away my Judy Blume’s and picked up my very first historical romance novel, GLORIOUS ANGEL by Johanna Lindsey. The book inspired...

INTERVIEW: Breath of Heaven by Cindy Holby

This week delves into the heart of romance with Cindy Holby and her newest release BREATH OF HEAVEN. This multi-published multi-genre writer may live in the shadow of Pilot Mountain, in...

Discovering Dare

Tessa Dare is a remarkably talented relative new comer on the scene of romantic literature. Her first series trio (GODDESS OF THE HUNT, SURRENDER OF A SIREN and A LADY OF PERSUASION)...


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