Category: Guest Blog

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I’m frequently asked if I put people I know in my books. Mostly not. But I borrow names like crazy. Finding names for my characters has become a challenge. Sometimes I latch...

GUEST BLOG: FINDING LYLA by Cate Beauman with Gift Card Giveaway

Ethan Cooke Security and their bodyguard team return to action in FINDING LYLA – book ten in Cate Beauman’s Bodyguards of L.A. County series. With over 4700 reviews and a 4.3 rating for...

GUEST BLOG: Rebel With a Tender Heart by Olivia Dade & Giveaway

As of this moment, I’ve written nine complete books. And my poor critique partner—Mia Sosa, a talented author and cherished friend—has dutifully read and commented on every single of them. So she’s...

GUEST BLOG: Why I Love Bollywood by MK Schiller With Giveaway

I was born in Bombay (now Mumbai) so love of Bollywood is probably in my DNA. There is nothing like a good Bollywood flick. For many years, there was a tried and...

GUEST BLOG: TAKING CHANCES by Victoria Vane With Giveaway

Although I have been a published authors for over five years, 2015 was a year of many firsts for me. I finished my very first contemporary romance series (Hot Cowboy Nights from Sourcebooks)....

GUEST BLOG: LINNY’S SWEET DREAM LIST by Susan Schild with Giveaway

As my New Year’s gift to you and your readers, here is the complete first chapter of the book: LINNY'S SWEET DREAM LIST is about what is important to me – funny friends, good...

GUEST BLOG: The Importance of Having a Will by Sara Walter Ellwood With Giveaway

The Importance of Having a Will In my latest release HEARTSONG, I tackle the very important issue of what happens when a person dies without a will, especially if they have underage children. While...

GUEST BLOG: Mackenzie Crowne on TO WIN HER TRUST

I’m a football fan. There. I said it. I love football. I know there are a lot of women who just don’t get the appeal. Like my daughter-in-law. She can’t understand how...

GUEST BLOG: Make the Readers Say Yum! by Cat Johnson and Giveaway

Apparently I’m a little obsessed with food. I’ve written entire scenes that focus on the characters’ enjoyment of a meal. I’ve even written a love scene based around a fried bologna sandwich. I know, it’s possible...


Reader, I Referenced Her: Jane Eyre in My Debut Book Somewhere in the middle of writing my debut novella, BROKEN RESOLUTIONS, I realized I had a problem. Let me give you some background. I’d...

GUEST BLOG: Meet the Hero of HIS NEW JAM ~ Hunter Reed & Giveaway With Shannyn Schroeder

Hunter Reed is a fun guy. He’s easy-going and laid back. He’s the kind of guy who likes to make people smile and he’ll do almost anything to get a reaction. It...

GUEST BLOG: AN HONORABLE WISH and Giveaway With Eileen Richards

An Honorable Wish In this second book of my series, A Lady’s Wish, I pair a bluestocking with a handsome, popular guy, then I stick them in the backwoods small village of Beetham....


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