Category: Guest Blog

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GUEST BLOG: Writing About Pregnancy When You’ve Never Been Pregnant by Jodi Rath Plus Giveaway!

I was an only child growing up. I was also a child of divorce. I spent a lot of time alone playing with my dolls and stuffed animals. I used to hang...

GUEST BLOG: The Magic of Heirlooms by Louisa Leaman Plus Giveaway!

Do you own a family heirloom? Maybe an item of furniture or a painting, or maybe, like the heroine in my latest novel, The Lost And Found Necklace, you’ve inherited a special...

GUEST BLOG: The Animals In My Books by Melissa Bourbon Plus Giveaway!

Cats, cats, cats. And Dogs, dogs, dogs. I grew up with cats. My mom has always loved the. A few were named after Agatha Christie characters: Tommy and Tuppence. I adopted a feral cat...

GUEST BLOG: Marriage, Murder, and Emancipation by Jeanne Matthews Plus Giveaway

In the 19th Century, when a woman married, she lost her existence as an individual. Under the law of coverture, husband and wife became one, and that “one” was the husband. The...

GUEST BLOG: Brushes With the Paranormal by Lena Gregory Plus Giveaway!

Have you ever had a brush with the paranormal? And encounter you couldn’t quite explain away, no matter how hard you tried to convince yourself there was a logical explanation? I’ve had...

GUEST BLOG: What Inspired Me to Write My Book(s) by R. LaMont W. Plus Giveaway!

Working on my master’s degree in Business Administration I took a class called “Money and Banking”. I tuned in an assignment that traced a $1.00 deposited at a local bank. I traced how...

GUEST BLOG: Many Musings, Mostly Musical: Identity Crisis By B.J. Bowen

In 2003 the symphony in which I played second oboe and English horn shut down due to lack of funding. The orchestra’s demise brought on an identity crisis for me. All my life...

GUEST BLOG: Are You in My Book? by Katharine Schellman Plus Giveaway!

A friend of mine who is also a novelist has a coffee mug that makes me laugh every time I see it. “Don’t upset the writer,” the side reads, “or she may...

GUEST BLOG: Finding the Emotion by Barbara Casey Plus Giveaway!

The Nightjar’s Promise, Book 4 of The F.I.G. Mysteries, takes Carolina, Dara, Mackenzie, and Jennifer to the tombs of a Jewish cemetery in Virginia where Jennifer’s parents were supposedly buried following a...

GUEST BLOG: Setting The Book at The Outer Banks by Colleen J. Shogan Plus Giveaway

The latest book in my Washington Whodunit mystery series, Dead as a Duck, doesn’t take place in Washington, D.C. That’s a major departure for me as a fiction writer. Since I began...

GUEST BLOG: The Comfort Zone by Mary Angela Plus Giveaway!

I’m a creature of habit, especially when it comes to my writing. I like to write early in the morning with a cup of coffee beside me and my cat, too. I...

GUEST BLOG: How to Handle Negative Criticism by Robert Gainey Plus Giveaway!

About fifteen years ago, I was still in high school… …That’s a startling realization. Anyway, I had a friend who would graciously read my latest attempts at a sci-fi novel. For  the purposes of...


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