Category: Interviews


INTERVIEW: 10 Questions With…Collette Cameron!

Novels Alive and Be My Bard are very pleased to welcome, the lovely Collette Cameron to this week’s edition of “10 Questions With...”. Following the interview you will find a short excerpt from Ms....

INTERVIEW: Thriller Thursdays With… Rita Herron!

Novels Alive along with our sister site Be My Bard, is thrilled to have Award-winning author, Rita Herron, as our first guest for our new Thriller Thursdays With... segment! What drives your story forward in your...

INTERVIEW: 10 Questions With…Kat Martin!

Novels Alive and Be My Bard and are extremely honored to welcome one of romance’s most iconic authors to this week’s edition of “10 Questions With…” , New York Times Bestselling author, KAT MARTIN! We’ve...

INTERVIEW: 10 Questions With…Kassy Tayler

Novels Alive and Be My are very pleased to welcome this week’s guest to the “10 Questions With…” interview chair…KASSY TAYLER! We’ve all pondered the age old question of which came first the CHICKEN or...

INTERVIEW: 10 Questions With… USA Today Bestselling Author Caroline Linden

Today we are very pleased and excited to welcome USA Today Bestselling Author, CAROLINE LINDEN to Novels Alive and Be My Bard as she answers “10 Questions With…” We’ve all pondered the age old...

INTERVIEW: 10 Questions With… Renee Bernard

We are VERY pleased to welcome back to Novels Alive and our sister site, Be My Bard, the extremely talented author of the Jaded Gentlemen series—Renee Bernard! Several months ago Renee very graciously agreed to...

INTERVIEW: 10 Questions With…Amelia Grey

Please join Novels Alive and Be My Bard in  giving a warm welcome to this week’s guest for  “10 Questions With…” interview segment—New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author—the fabulously creative AMELIA...

INTERVIEW: 10 Questions with New York Times Bestselling Author Meredith Duran

Novels Alive in association with our Sister Site, Be My Bard would like to offer up a very warm and excited welcome to this week’s guest for  “10 Questions With…”, the enormously...

INTERVIEW: 10 Questions With… New York Times Bestselling Author Cathy Maxwell

Novels Alive along with our sister site, Be My Bard, give a warm welcome to this week’s guest for “10 Questions With…”, New York Times Bestselling author—Cathy Maxwell. We’ve all pondered the age...

INTERVIEW: 10 Questions With (2nd Edition)… Máire Claremont

Novels Alive, in association with our sister site, are very thrilled to welcome, a bright new talent in the world of historical romance, author Máire Claremont. We’ve all pondered the age old...

INTERVIEW: The Writing Process by Collette Cameron

My good friend, and fellow Regency author Katherine Bone, tagged me to be a part of "My Writing Process" blog tour.  All right, I'm supposed to answer four questions. Here goes. What am I working...

INTERVIEW: 10 Questions With… USA Today Bestselling Author Sally MacKenzie

This week we are pleased as punch to have USA Today bestselling author, Sally MacKenzie, stopping by to answer Novels Alive in association with our sister site, Be My Bard’s “10 Questions...




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