Category: Contemporary Romance

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GUEST BLOG: A HIGHLAND LOVE AFFAIR and Giveaway with Janice Maynard

As I write this, the wind is howling outside my window. We’ve had a few moderate days recently in eastern Tennessee, but now a front is pushing through bringing a spritz of...

GUEST BLOG: Be Careful Or I’ll Write You Into My Next Novel…by Sarah Hegger With Mega Giveaway

A question I get asked a lot is how much of my ‘real’ life do I include in my books. Well, I’d tell you, but then I’d have to kill you—I joke! The...

INTERVIEW: A Visit with Jessica Scott

Jessica Scott is an active duty army officer and an Iraq war veteran, so when she writes about soldiers and the challenges they face after returning home you know you're getting it straight....

BOOK BLAST: TWO TO WRANGLE by Victoria Vane With Texan Handbag Giveaway

Release Date: February 16, 2020 A COUNTRY BOY...Maybe having a hot and heavy affair with the boss’s daughter wasn’t the smartest move. But Ty Morgan didn’t regret a moment with city girl Monica Brandt…until...

INTERVIEW: A Visit With Victoria Vane

You've been a flight attendant (is that the proper term now?), and worked in radiology (this is from memory so correct me if I'm wrong). In the back of your mind or...


When Gaby Conte’s Italian husband, Danieli, abandons her for a young Peruvian waitress at a restaurant they co-own in San Francisco, Gaby seeks refuge in Rome with her best friend Maria. There,...


I’m frequently asked if I put people I know in my books. Mostly not. But I borrow names like crazy. Finding names for my characters has become a challenge. Sometimes I latch...

GUEST BLOG: Rebel With a Tender Heart by Olivia Dade & Giveaway

As of this moment, I’ve written nine complete books. And my poor critique partner—Mia Sosa, a talented author and cherished friend—has dutifully read and commented on every single of them. So she’s...

GUEST BLOG: Why I Love Bollywood by MK Schiller With Giveaway

I was born in Bombay (now Mumbai) so love of Bollywood is probably in my DNA. There is nothing like a good Bollywood flick. For many years, there was a tried and...

GUEST BLOG: TAKING CHANCES by Victoria Vane With Giveaway

Although I have been a published authors for over five years, 2015 was a year of many firsts for me. I finished my very first contemporary romance series (Hot Cowboy Nights from Sourcebooks)....

GUEST BLOG: LINNY’S SWEET DREAM LIST by Susan Schild with Giveaway

As my New Year’s gift to you and your readers, here is the complete first chapter of the book: LINNY'S SWEET DREAM LIST is about what is important to me – funny friends, good...

INTERVIEW: CRASH AND BURN by Michelle Callahan With Giveaway

How did you get started writing? My mom read to me when I was little. A lot. I used to beg and beg her to read the same handful of books to me....


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