GUEST BLOG: Unlikely, Unexpected Partners: Writing Corey and Abe In INSIDE PASSAGE by Burt Weissbourd

After serving 22 months for drug smuggling, a crime she didn’t commit, Corey Logan is finally released from a Federal Correctional Institution. All she wants now is to get her teenaged son out of foster care and make a home for the two of them in Seattle. But there’ll be a Psychiatric Evaluation first, with some shrink named Dr. Abe Stein, and assuming she gets by him, there’s the threat of Nick Season, the candidate for State Attorney General who set her up, tried to have her killed in prison, and now, more than ever, wants her out of the picture. Her problem—she can neither prove nor say what she knows, for fear of losing her son forever.

Corey didn’t grow up with much family around. Her mother died when she was 17, her father when she was prenatal. She was alone, until Billy came along and upended everything that she thought she knew about the world. He was the best thing that ever happened to her, before or since. And then she let him down—she lost custody in the wake of her arrest. Al, Billy’s father, had disappeared, Corey was in prison and Billy was on his own. With no family to look after him, Billy fell victim to a foster care system that was over-crowded and under-served, sometimes spending his nights in juvie when there wasn’t a group home to take him in.

Corey believes that this is her fault, and she feels it deeply. She doesn’t want her son to grow up on his own, like she did.

She’s already completed the court-ordered parenting classes and passed their drug-test. All that’s left to do is the psychiatric evaluation, a legal requirement for regaining custody.

The next morning, Corey stands outside a Chinese takeout shop, consulting a handwritten list of psychiatrists. Her top three are crossed off, leaving only Abe Stein. She climbs the stairs to his office, it’s not as nice as the other offices she’s been to. And then she meets Abe, big, burly, bumbling, disheveled Dr. Abe. As he packs his pipe, he studies her silently. She sets her jaw, refusing to say the first word. Behind him, the match he used to light his pipe ignites a pile of papers on his desk. Abe’s oblivious, Corey’s incredulous. When he finally notices, he douses it with Diet Coke. No big deal. Without another word, she leaves.

Corey is a strong woman who’s coped with painful, debilitating hardship. And she’s operating far below her capacities. She underestimates her ability to take on her nemesis, Nick Season. She believes that if she hides from him, never poses a threat to him, falls from his radar screen, he’ll leave her alone. Corey is very able in the world, but she doesn’t do well with her feelings. She doesn’t talk about her inner life. In fact, she really doesn’t see insight as the first and essential step to solving problems. She’s never had a wonderful relationship with a partner. She’s not able to sort through and understand her emotional life. She’s not able to see how to make decisions that might dramatically change the reality she’s stuck in.

The last man that Corey could ever imagine having a relationship with is Abe Stein. He’s distracted. He sideswipes cars. He sets fires in ash trays or in waste baskets, where he carelessly throws lit matches from his pipe. He’s uneasy on her boat because he can’t swim. He misjudges her at the start, not believing that she was framed.

How Corey is won over by Dr. Stein who eventually accepts her silences, her evasiveness, her half-truths, even her lies, but finally believes in her anyway, is the opening salvo in The Corey Logan Trilogy.

Both Corey Logan and Abe Stein are extraordinary characters, polar opposites who find each other through crisis.  Corey is strong, fearless, at home on the street and able in wild country.  Abe is bumbling but brilliant – caught up in the life of the mind, commonly distracted in the world. But they are drawn to each other. Together, both of them change dramatically.

While it is Dr. Stein whose work with Corey liberates her, it is Corey who brings Abe back to life.  This love story – and partnership – is the foundation, the heart and soul, of all three books in the trilogy. The challenge in writing them is to make this unlikely couple fall in love – believably, completely – fall in love so madly that they grow and change together and separately. And as they live fuller, richer lives, Corey becomes a happier person, able to thrive in this relationship. She’s a wonderful woman living an extraordinary life with her unexpected partner.

About The Book

A Corey Logan Thriller, Book 1
Release Date: October 20, 2020

Inside PassageCorey Logan was set up. She knows Nick Season’s TERRIBLE SECRET. Coming home from prison, all Corey wants is to be with her son. To get him back, she needs to make a good impression on the psychiatrist evaluating her. But Dr. Abe Stein doesn’t believe she was framed–until his well-heeled mother fall for the charming state attorney general candidate, Nick Season. As the dogs of war are unleashed, Corey and her son run for their lives, taking her boat up the Pacific Northwest’s remote Inside Passage.

“A stunning, fast paced thriller that took me on an intense ride and kept me on the edge of myseat the entire way through … If you love beautifully executed thrillers that will play with your mind as well as your heart, this is the book for you.” ~ Midwest Book Review

Corey Logan TrilogyInside Passage is the first in Weissbourd’s haunting, heart-stirring Corey Logan Trilogy.

Inside Passage

Click here to find out more about the Corey Logan Trilogy.

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About The AuthorBurt Weissbourd is a novelist, screenwriter and producer of feature films. He was born in 1949 and graduated cum laude from Yale University, with honors in psychology. During his student years, he volunteered at the Museum of Modern Art in Paris and taught English to college students in Thailand. After he graduated, he wrote, directed, and produced educational films for Gilbert Altschul Productions. He began a finance program at the Northwestern University Graduate School of Business, but left to start his own film production company in Los Angeles. He managed that company from 1977 until 1986, producing films including Ghost Story starring Fred Astaire, Melvyn Douglas, John Houseman, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., and Patricia Neal, and Raggedy Man starring Sissy Spacek and Sam Shepard, which The New York Times called “a movie of sweet, low-keyed charm.” In 1987, he founded an investment business, which he still runs. Burt’s novels include the thrillers Danger in Plain Sight, The Corey Logan Trilogy (Inside PassageTeaser and Minos), and In Velvet, a thriller set in Yellowstone National Park.


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Dayna Linton
Dayna Linton
Dayna is the owner of not only Novels Alive but of Day Agency, a full-service self-publishing agency for independent authors. She has been assisting independent authors to achieve their dreams of becoming published authors for over 15 years. From New York Times and USA Today Bestselling authors to the first-time author to every author in between. Dayna is a self-professed bibliophile. While dancing has always been her first love, reading came as a very, very close second, with gardening coming in as a close third. Dayna is also the divorced mom of four adult children and a very proud grandma. She is also a web designer, social media specialist, book blogger, and reviewer. She's a long-time Disney lover and a Utah Jazz, Utah Utes, and Dallas Cowboys fan. See Dayna's reviews here: Dayna's Reviews



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