Category: Guest Blog

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GUEST BLOG: Muse Magic by Nicole Sallak Anderson Plus Giveaway!

I remember the first time I heard the Arlo Guthrie quote, “Songwriting is like fishing in a stream; you put in your line and hope to catch something. And I don't think...

GUEST BLOG: Welcome to Cypress, South Carolina by Dorothy St. James Plus Giveaway!

The small town of Cypress is a fictional town that lives in the pages of the Beloved Bookroom Mystery series. But it’s like many of the very real and quite charming small...

GUEST BLOG: A World of Words by Dane McCaslin Plus Giveaway!

I’ve always had an interest in how language works. When I was old enough to discover that languages were derivatives of a root language, I was hooked. Latin was amazing. And I found...

GUEST BLOG: The Perks of Writing Holiday Stories by C.W. Allen Plus Giveaway!

Christmas in my home means a lot of things. It means dusting off the decorations I put away in January, taking a moment to admire each one and perhaps reminisce about the...

GUEST BLOG: Facts Are Important, But Fiction Always Wins by Susanne Dunlap Plus Giveaway!

There’s an ongoing debate in the historical novelist community about what liberties authors can take with history, where it’s all right to invent things for the sake of the story, and what...

GUEST BLOG: When Dreams Give You Life by Annabelle McCormack Plus Giveaway!

Most kids play pretend. It’s the nature of childhood. We imagine we’re in different roles, with different names, different personas. Or we grab an ordinary toy and make it something extraordinary in...

GUEST BLOG: The Benefit to Me of National Novel Writing Month by Debra Sennefelder Plus Giveaway!

One of the aspects of being an author who writes on spec is that it plays to one of my weaknesses, perhaps to my greatest weakness—self-discipline. I can set writing goals, and...

GUEST BLOG: Going After Your Dreams or Fulfilling Your Dreams and Not Someone Else’s? by Margaret Porter Plus Giveaway!

The Limits of Limelight, the title of my fourteenth novel, illuminates the inherent conflict its protagonist, the story’s real-life inspiration, must contend with. In July of 1931, Ginger Rogers and her mother Lela...

GUEST BLOG: Local History–Navy Hill Explosion by Wes Verde Plus Giveaway!

New Jersey has a reputation for many things. They filmed The Sopranos here. We’re home to Princeton University. The taxes are high, but the beaches are decent. What is less well known...

GUEST BLOG: Why ‘Vintage Kitchen Mysteries’? by Victoria Hamilton Plus Giveaway!

In A Calculated Whisk, my tenth Vintage Kitchen Mystery, I have my heroine looking over a collection of vintage kitchen whisks, preparing to mount an exhibit. Jaymie Leighton Müller not only...

GUEST BLOG: 3 Things I Learned After Getting Published by Brianne Moore Plus Giveaway!

For many of us writers, getting published is the ultimate endgame. We work so hard to get to that point, we don’t really think about what comes after that. But post-publication is...

GUEST BLOG: A Little Bit About My Career by Heather Haven Plus Giveaway!

Hi Everyone. I wanted to tell you a little bit about my career as a writer and the Alvarez Family Murder Mysteries. In my twenties and thirties, I spent my time in...


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