Category: Blog Posts

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Publication Date: September 1, 2021 They were just kids, barely not teenagers, madly in love, desperate to be a family, but a war and a B29 got in their way. Three hundred ten days...

SPOTLIGHT: CRY OF THE INNOCENT by Julie Bates Plus Giveaway!

A Faith Clarke Mystery: Book 1 Publication Date: June 8, 2021 April 1774 – Within the colonial capital of Virginia, Faith Clarke awakes in the middle of the night to discover a man savagely...


Publication Date: April 4, 2022 A simple “thank you” led to the trip of a lifetime, along with an unbreakable friendship of two opposites. See them come of age while rubbing elbows with...

SPOTLIGHT: NOT YOUR CHILD by Lis Angus Plus Giveaway!

Publication Date: April 18, 2022 When Ottawa psychologist and single mother Susan Koss discovers that a strange man has been following her twelve-year-old daughter Maddy, she fears he’s a predator. But it’s worse...

SPOTLIGHT: IRON & FIRE BY Kerrin Willis Plus Giveaway!

Publication Date: April 5, 2022 1675 — Plymouth Colony — Verity Parker promised to look after her family. Raised among the bookshops and turmoil of Reformation London, Verity now finds herself in Puritan New...

SPOTLIGHT: BLOWING UP by Biff Mitchell Plus Giveaway!

Publication Date: October 21, 2021 Welcome to the World You Live In. It’s a mess. It’s diseased, polluted, over-populated and too close to the sun. But it’s all we have and we’re losing it...

GUEST BLOG: Childhood and Nannies by Stacey Halls Plus Giveaway!

Though children have been around since the dawn of time, childhood is a relatively new concept, invented by the Edwardians. In the early 20th century, children were brought out from the attic...

GUEST BLOG: The Burning Issue of Race by Julie Bates Plus Giveaway!

When you write historical fiction like me, one thing that has to be addressed quickly is the subject of race. No one wants to admit it, but history is not only peppered...

GUEST BLOG: My Road to Publication: Becoming an Author by Lis Angus Plus Giveaway!

I’ve been writing all my life, starting from when I was a child. But after my mid-teens I abandoned my attempts at writing fiction; from then on my writing was entirely non-fiction,...

GUEST BLOG: TG Wolff Interviews Detective Jesus De La Crus Plus Giveaway!

TG: Hello Novels Alive readers, I am TG Wolff, mystery diva and puzzle lover. It is my pleasure to introduce you to the lead in my newest release, Cleveland homicide detective Jesus...

INTERVIEW: With Political Thriller Author, Andy Kutler Plus Giveaway!

Welcome to Andy Kutler for a short interview to find out more about this political thriller author. Are you jealous of other writers? No. I admire and learn from them, and am intrigued by...

GUEST BLOG: Henrietta Maria of France by Elena Maria Vidal Plus Giveaway!

In the lone tent, waiting for victory, She stands with eyes marred by the mists of pain, Like some wan lily overdrenched with rain: The clamorous clang of arms, the ensanguined sky, War's ruin, and the...


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