Category: Guest Blog

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GUEST BLOG: Writing a Mystery, How Easy Is That? by Rebecca Lee Smith Plus Giveaway!

For me, the easiest way to write a mystery is…oh, I’m sorry, there is no easy way. At least, not for me. But that sure hasn’t stopped me from trying to find...

GUEST BLOG: Changing Genres After Writing Burnout by Rosie Reed

I have an old Chinese proverb for you. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. Well, just over a year ago I...

GUEST BLOG: “Crazy Dog Mom” Anecdotes by Teresa Inge, Heather Weidner, Jayne Ormerod & Maria Hudgins Plus Giveaway!

Thanks for all you do to promote cozy mysteries! We faithful readers are a crazy bunch, aren’t we? And over at Mutt Mysteries, we are also crazy about dogs! Today each of...

GUEST BLOG: Loving the Research! by Elizabeth Crowens Plus Giveaway!

One of the most fun things about writing the Time Traveler Professor series involves the research. I think of myself as a method actor in the sense that before the pandemic, I...

GUEST BLOG: Can Serial Killers Be Likable? by Peter Perry and Kathleen Sumpton Plus Giveaway!

Is there a rule that says the serial killer cannot appear likable? The fact that they can be likable makes them even more evil. The unfortunate truth is, they often are likable,...

GUEST BLOG: A Shameless Tack on Pitching My Books to Readers by Ellen Byron Plus Giveaway!

These days, promoting a book release is a second job for an author. When I realized that a lot of the book marketing heavy lifting would fall on me, I felt like...

GUEST BLOG: So Where’s the Mystery by Marlie Parker Wasserman Plus Giveaway!

In several courses I have taken on mystery writing, the instructor tries to dissect the genre. You know the outline already. The book opens with a dead body and then for the...

GUEST BLOG: The Challenges of Writing Cozy Mysteries by Lucy Burdette Plus Giveaway!

You can probably guess that I love writing these books from the fact that book number eleven in the Key West Food Critic Mystery series is out this month. But more on...

EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT: SAY YES TO LIFE by Elliott Robertson Plus Giveaway!

What drives your story forward in your books the most, the characters or the plot, or do you feel they are intertwined? In recent years, I’ve been writing nonfiction and poetry. When I...

GUEST BLOG: What I Want Readers to Walk Away with After Reading My Book by James Ruvalcaba Plus Giveaway!

Hello, I’m James Ruvalcaba the Author of The Light Through the Pouring Rain and I’m here today to speak on what I would like the reader to walk away with after reading...

GUEST BLOG: Celebrating a Decade of Trilogies by Cheryl Holt Plus Giveaway!

This month, I’m celebrating the release of my new Cad's Trilogy. I’ve been an author for 25 years, and these will be novels #59, #60, and #61 for me! For the past decade,...

GUEST BLOG: The Importance of Theme in Books by Pamela Gibson Plus Giveaway!

Most novels have good plots, memorable characters, and hopefully, they have themes. The themes are generally stated in the first chapter, are often said by another character, and continually pop up as...


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