Category: Guest Blog

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GUEST BLOG: We’re Running Out of Bad Guys, and That’s Probably a Good Thing by Ash Bishop Plus Giveaway!

Top Gun: Maverick was a great movie. I watched it on Memorial Day and cheered as America defeated…somebody. Oddly, no matter how closely I watched, I couldn’t figure out which country Maverick...

GUEST BLOG: What’s With All the Mafia Stories? by Mark Rubinstein Plus Giveaway!

Whether it’s The Godfather, Goodfellas, Casino, Scarface, Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, a Jack Reacher novel, or crime novels by Don Winslow, Nelson DeMille, Dennis Lehane, James Patterson, or other bestselling authors, the...

GUEST BLOG: Choosing Our Heroes by J. A. Crawford Plus Giveaway!

Who a person chooses as a hero says a lot about them. When you want to know who someone is, ask them who they idolize. Growing up, I, like many other avid...

GUEST BLOG: The Perils of Hiding Your True Identity by Lena S. May Plus Giveaway!

There are many reasons that can make hiding your true identity seem like the best option—or maybe even the only option that’s available at a certain point. Developing feelings for someone of...

GUEST BLOG: The Mystery of Writing a Mystery by Amy L. Bernstein Plus Giveaway!

How do you go about writing a mystery novel if you’ve never written one before? A writer, far more logical than I, might begin by reading every type of mystery she can get...

GUEST BLOG: What I Would Tell a New Author by C.M. Sage Plus Giveaway!

If I could go back and talk to myself before I started writing, I think I would have had that chat on a playground…on a teeter-totter.  I’d tell baby writer me that...

GUEST BLOG: An Influential Curiosity by Michael Bradley Plus Giveaway!

A question that I am often asked is, what book(s) influenced your writing the most? Most people would expect a writer to talk about a great seminal work like Stephen King's On...

GUEST BLOG: Using What’s Already There in Series Mysteries by Leslie Wheeler Plus Giveaway!

One of the things that makes writing series mysteries easier than writing standalones is that you don’t have to create a whole new fictional world for each book. After your first book,...

GUEST BLOG: Conversations With My Characters by Mary Alford Plus Giveaway!

Though writing can be very isolating, we authors have our characters to keep us company. We have conversations with them. When invite them into our lives and become friends with them. But what...


What is a Golden Age mystery? That’s a question I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. Of course, we all know the names of the great Golden Age authors: Agatha Christie, Dorothy...

GUEST BLOG: 8 Things You Didn’t Know About Lena Gregory by Lena Gregory Plus Giveaway!

I always enjoy getting to know my readers, so I figure what better way to start than to share a little about myself. I’d love for you to leave a comment below...

GUEST BLOG: Why Agatha Christie Is a Great Mystery Writer and One of My Greatest Influences by Elly Griffiths Plus Giveaway!

When I was eleven, I wrote my first mystery novel. It was called The Hair of the Dog and it was set in an English country village where nothing much happens. In...


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