Category: Guest Blog

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GUEST BLOG: The Importance of Having an Agent by Hawk MacKinney Plus Giveaway!

So, you’re not only a proud writer but after agonizing over adjectives, sentences, copy-paste, and other tidbits, you’ve finally closed the manuscript’s last chapter–hopefully well-edited; then re-edited again and then another 5-10...

GUEST BLOG: Amateur Night by Lori Robbins Plus Giveaway!

Riding shotgun with a cop or detective is undeniably exciting. And yet, for many of us, nothing beats the thrill of the chase when your literary companion is professionally clueless. Novels that...

GUEST BLOG: Can Brain Freeze Really Kill You? by Dr Mike Tranter Plus Giveaway!

Hey Everyone, my name is Dr Mike Tranter, and I’m a neuroscientist writing a book where I explain the brain in a fun and simple way. I asked people from all over...

GUEST BLOG: It’s All About Story by Toni Morgan Plus Giveaway!

Years ago, when I was still in college, I read an essay about the creative process that laid it all out in five steps: The idea The research and gather materials Lay...

GUEST BLOG: Meet Amy Flowers by Gayle Leeson Plus Giveaway!

Hi, there. I’m Amy Flowers, and I’m not sure where to begin. I mean, I hate to say this, but my cousin Jackie is a hothead. I love her to pieces, but...

GUEST BLOG: Researching for Rest, Relax, Run For Your Life by Katherine H. Brown Plus Giveaway!

Good morning. Thank you for having me, today. I’m Katherine Brown, author of the Ooey Gooey Bakery cozy mystery series. One question that readers often have is whether or not the author has...

GUEST BLOG: The Backstory on Lisa Jamison by Lori Duffy Foster Plus Giveaway!

It was a warm summer evening in Syracuse, NY, made unbearably hot by the flames that consumed the house before me.  I had already interviewed the residents, who escaped unharmed, and I...

GUEST BLOG: Write What You Know–Then Give It a Twist by Diane Bator Plus Giveaway!

When I was first starting out, I was given the basic advice made famous by Mark Twain. “Write what you know.” I felt deflated. I didn’t know anything. How was I supposed...

GUEST BLOG: Writing Fish-Out-Of-Water Protagonists by Olivia Matthews

I love fish-out-of-water protagonists. They invite readers to view an environment with a fresh perspective. They inspire other characters to question the status quo. Most importantly, they introduce and acclimate readers into...

GUEST BLOG: Start Now, Or Lose The Opportunity? by Erven Kimble Plus Giveaway!

Is there something that you are longing to pursue, for His Glory? A calling that you have received from God, and yet hesitating on doing it because of the fear that you...

GUEST BLOG: Creating an Enchanted Library in Destiny Falls by Elizabeth Pantley Plus Giveaway!

I’ve always loved libraries. There’s just something about the hushed magic they emit that makes me want to lose hours wandering the aisles. My main character in the Destiny Falls Magic and Mystery...

GUEST BLOG: Undercover Life By Emilya Naymark Plus Giveaway!

The number one reason the detective in my debut novel is an NYPD undercover, is because that was my husband’s occupation for four out of his twenty years with the NYPD. If...


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