Category: Guest Blog

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GUEST BLOG: Discovering Interesting Locations: Anton LaVey’s Home-Celebrity Occultist and Founder of the Church of Satan by Connie di Marco

I’m always casting about for interesting locations to use in the Zodiac Mysteries. Not just the historic or beautiful settings all around San Francisco, but the mysterious—secret stairways, dark alleys, and weird...

GUEST BLOG: When We are Betrayed by Someone We Love by Courtney Evan Tate

Life often seems like a sea... and we grasp onto things that drift past in order to help us remain afloat. One thing we cling to, as constants, are our loved ones. We...

GUEST BLOG: Some of The Background of My Novel, “Into the Unbounded Night” by Mitchell James Kaplan

When you’re writing a novel you’re not thinking about what you’re trying to say. You’re trying to make sense of the world your characters inhabit. You’re learning to experience their world through...

HOLIDAY MEMORIES: Five Things That Went Wrong (Or At Least Awry) At My Christmas Wedding by Robin Wells

Is it just me, or have you noticed it, too? Lately the click-bait headlines want to point out a specific number of ways I’m doing something wrong. They have titles like “Five...

GUEST BLOG: Five Lies Mamas Tell Themselves About Why They Can’t Write Their Book by Andrea R. Frazer

As someone who has spent my life writing for everything from television, big blogs (Good Housekeeping/BabyCenter), huge corporations, magazines and newspapers, I knew at a very early age that writing was my...

GUEST BLOG: Searching for Soul in a FOMO World by Maria DeBlassie

We’ve all been there. Too much out there. Too much hustle and bustle. Too many late nights out that leave you feeling empty the next day. Too much small talk and too...

GUEST BLOG: An Interview with Lord Venn from THE VILLAINOUS VISCOUNT by Lucinda Elliot

Today we welcome, ahem, Lord Venn from THE VILLAINOUS VISCOUNT for a very... interesting interview.  So, grab a cup of tea, your favorite throw, and get ready to be entertained! Interviewer (trying hard...

GUEST BLOG: Cybercrimes: Online Behavior, Real Life Repercussions by M.E. Browning

It starts with an innocent comment. An opinion that isn’t meant to be controversial, offends someone. Perhaps you had the audacity to be good at video games, crushing the competition in multiplayer...

GUEST BLOG: THE CLAIRES: A Curse or a Blessing? by C.L. Gaber

To see or not see? To hear or not to hear? To feel or not to feel. That is the question in my new book, The Claires. A spin-off of the Ascenders book series, it revolves around...

GUEST BLOG: How the Magazine Started by Chapter Magazine

How the chapter magazines started: We wanted to make the Beauty and the City story accessible for those who love to read YA without charging. While giving the Kindle Book Free is one...


I’d say, just start writing. Write about your day, your trip to the grocery store. What happened? Something did. Go out to a bar, restaurant, park. Pick a couple across from you,...

GUEST BLOG: How I Handled Research for the Book by Sverrir Sigurdsson

A memoirist is supposed to depend mostly on his memory.  For me, though, I wanted my memoir to reflect not just my life but also the heart and soul of my country. ...


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