Category: Guest Blog

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GUEST BLOG: TG Wolff Interviews Detective Jesus De La Crus Plus Giveaway!

TG: Hello Novels Alive readers, I am TG Wolff, mystery diva and puzzle lover. It is my pleasure to introduce you to the lead in my newest release, Cleveland homicide detective Jesus...

GUEST BLOG: Henrietta Maria of France by Elena Maria Vidal Plus Giveaway!

In the lone tent, waiting for victory, She stands with eyes marred by the mists of pain, Like some wan lily overdrenched with rain: The clamorous clang of arms, the ensanguined sky, War's ruin, and the...

GUEST BLOG: If My Book Was Made Into a Movie by Vito Altavilla Plus Giveaway!

If my book was made into a movie, it would certainly take place during the late forties and fifties. The events that occurred in the book, by their very nature would show...

GUEST BLOG: Welcome to Scandal Mountain, Vermont by Trish Esden Plus Giveaway!

Trish Esden here. I’m thrilled that THE ART OF THE DECOY, the first Scandal Mountain Antiques Mystery is now hitting bookstore shelves. I also thought this might be the perfect time to...

GUEST BLOG: Do You Believe in Miracles? by M.B. Lewis Plus Giveaway!

My latest novel, The Pilate Scroll, is an action/adventure Christian themed novel. During the story, one of the characters reveals themself to be a non-believer in Christ. This is authentic, because not...

GUEST BLOG: How Publishing Has Changed Over the Years by Andrea Kane Plus Giveaway!

I’ve been a published author for over thirty years (and a voracious reader and dedicated writer for an endless time before that). Lately, many of my readers have been asking me how...

GUEST BLOG: History On The Glencoe Massacre by Donna Scott Plus Giveaway!

I fell in love with Scotland many years ago from reading books about its history and viewing images of the castles and beautiful geographical landmarks the country boasted.  It wasn’t until early...

GUEST BLOG: Why Did I Write Cozy Crime Set in Space? by Richard Dee Plus Giveaway!

Back in the day, when I was just starting out as a writer, I was still looking to develop a style. Up to then, I’d been working on the principle of write what...

GUEST BLOG: If My Book Were a Movie by Bill Fentress Plus Giveaway!

Well now, that would be interesting. That’s probably not even relevant, and mostly a dream. Ok…let’s just dream! And since we are dreaming,  let’s start …say…with me! My book covers 50 years from...

GUEST BLOG: Researching For My Historical Mysteries by Joyce St. Anthony Plus Giveaway!

I’m often asked how much research goes into writing historical fiction. The short answer is: A LOT. The next question is usually “It’s fiction. Can’t you just make it all up?” Well,...

GUEST BLOG: A Female Spy in a Man’s World by Susan Ouellette Plus Giveaway!

After I outgrew Nancy Drew and read every Agatha Christie novel at my local library, I moved on to spy thrillers. Nearly every spy thriller I read featured male heroes and male...

GUEST BLOG: Broadcasting House by Kate Parker Plus Giveaway!

Broadcasting House, the headquarters of an already huge BBC organization in 1930s Britain, figures as almost another character in Deadly Broadcast. It’s the location where in reality Edward R. Murrow recorded his...


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