Category: Guest Blog

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GUEST BLOG: Why ‘Witch City?’ by Nancy Gardner Plus Giveaway!

When someone mentions Salem, Massachusetts, what comes to your mind? If you’re like most folks, the image is probably of either the 1692 Salem Witch Trials or Salem’s present-day wild and whacky...

GUEST BLOG: I Love Christmas by Belle Calhoune Plus Giveaway!

I’ve always adored Christmas-themed books, so I’m thrilled to have my book No Ordinary Christmas hitting shelves right before the holiday season kicks into high gear. There’s something about two people falling...

GUEST BLOG: The Triple Lie Theory by Carmen Amato Plus Giveaway!

I have a theory that every good mystery novel hinges on three lies. The first lie is the biggest and is essential to the crime. It could be a cover up, a hidden...

GUEST BLOG: The Dying Languages Around the World by David Gardner Plus Giveaway!

The hero of my novel, The Last Speaker of Skalwegian, is an unworldly linguist who gets pulled into helping document the language with its last speaker. But doubts arise about the validity...

GUEST BLOG: Building a Better Book Group by Kimberly Burns Plus Giveaway!

Book groups aren’t just for nerds anymore. Since Oprah started her book group in 1996 (Deep End of the Ocean by Jacquelyn Mitchard, for the trivia buffs) movie stars and television hosts...

GUEST BLOG: Killer Instincts by Elizabeth Goddard Plus Giveaway!

This morning I finished up answering interview questions for a blog post. One of the quirky or fun facts I included was that I hate killing people in my stories. Hello. I...

GUEST BLOG: Of Heroes and Villains by Leslie Wolfe Plus Giveaway!

Writing fiction has never been more exciting than in the 2020s, when both heroes and villains are complex, multi-faceted human beings, with shifting motivations and dark secrets lurking beyond the otherwise ripple-free...

GUEST BLOG: The Golden Tree by Lis Anna-Langston Plus Giveaway!

I never had a Christmas tree as an adult. Year after year passed, but I never went to Christmas tree farms or roadside lots. I wasn’t a curmudgeon; we just didn’t celebrate...

GUEST BLOG: Tips for World Building and Writing Description by Kathy Strobos Plus Giveaway!

Writing description is hard for me. When I first drafted Partner Pursuit, I had a sentence that she stepped out into the crowded New York City sidewalk. My editor said, “everybody says...

GUEST BLOG: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Rasta Musick Plus Giveaway!

Rasta can dance salsa and other Latin dances and did so regularly before quarantine. Rasta’s favorite food is Japanese style curry (which is actually quite different from Indian curry). Every time...

GUEST BLOG: My Love of Cooking by Pam Vivian Plus Giveaway!

Cooking and baking have been a large component of my life. Attached you will see a photo of one of my granddaughters at the age of one. She is going to be...

GUEST BLOG: Top 5 Places for a Prince to Visit in Santa Fe by Lucy Monroe Plus Giveaway!

When I first planned to write His Majesty's Hidden Heir, I intended to visit Santa Fe, NM for research. COVID happened and travel did not, which just meant I had to do...


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