Category: Guest Blog

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GUEST BLOG: How to Create Tension in a Mystery or Thriller by Emily C. Whitson Plus Giveaway!

A story, at its most basic, is about a character overcoming obstacles to reach a goal. The obstacles are what create tension. It makes us uncomfortable, but it also keeps things interesting....

GUEST BLOG: The Prodigy from Brussels Who Became the Father of Modern Anatomy by Ron Blumenfeld Plus Giveaway!

Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564), a brash 28-year-old professor at the University of Padua medical school, published a textbook of anatomy unlike any that had come before—revolutionary for its careful detail, exquisite illustrations, and...

GUEST BLOG: My Writing Journal by Lena Gregory Plus Giveaway!

When my youngest son, who is now ten, was born, he didn’t sleep through the night. Since my daughter was seven before she started sleeping through the night, I figured I was...

GUEST BLOG: A Romantic Dentist by Rachel Fordham Plus Giveaway!

Every book has a unique origin story. Sometimes a news article sparks an idea or an idea pops up while traveling to a new place. As an author, I love these moments...

GUEST BLOG: How One Woman Overcame Pandemics, Mental Illness, Sexism, War, and Napoleon to Build a Champagne Empire by Rebecca Rosenberg Plus Giveaway!

For centuries, women have faced the devastation of pandemics and roadblocks of sexist laws. Yet, one of them, the audacious and determined Barbe-Nicole Clicquot, found a way to build a champagne empire...

GUEST BLOG: Here an Idea, There an Idea, Everywhere an Idea by Lois Winston With Excerpt Plus Giveaway!

Until recently, my husband and I lived in one of the “bridge and tunnel” communities of New Jersey, so named because many of the state’s residents either commute into Manhattan via the...

GUEST BLOG: by A Sheepish Investigation by Joy Ann Ribar Plus Giveaway!

When I wrote my first mystery, Deep Dark Secrets in 2019, I decided on a whim to make my main character’s business partner, Carmen, one half of a sheep-farm-owning husband and wife...

GUEST BLOG: An Ode to Renting by Susan McCormick Plus Giveaway!

My husband and I moved around a lot in our early days. Because of the military, we were separated for years, living in apartments on either end of California. Then we moved...

GUEST BLOG: What Inspired Me To Write My Book by James Ruvalcaba Plus Giveaway!

Hello, I’m James Ruvalcaba the Author of The Light Through the Pouring Rain and I’m here today to write about what inspired me to write my book. To give a bit of...

GUEST BLOG: The Inspiration for The Shell Collector by Nancy Naigle Plus Giveaway!

Some people think beach books are just for summer reading, but growing up on the beach in Virginia I’m here to tell you that the other seasons have just as much appeal. ...

GUEST BLOG: Characters That Grab Me by Carol Pouliot Plus Giveaway!

I love finding a series with characters that grab me, making me want to follow their story over multiple books. That’s what I’m creating in The Blackwell and Watson Time-Travel Mysteries. In Doorway...

GUEST BLOG: Drawing Inspiration from a Classic by Helen Power Plus Giveaway!

I am and have always been a classic film buff. I unconditionally love anything with Cary Grant or Gene Kelly, I compulsively watch film noirs like Gaslight and Double Indemnity, and I’m...


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