Category: Guest Blog

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GUEST BLOG: Why Dystopian Books Are Popular With the Youth by Branwen Oshea Plus Giveaway!

Both teens and adults enjoy reading to escape reality and have fun. Dystopian worlds are different enough from contemporary life to be a great distraction and usually end with hope. They also...

GUEST BLOG: Make-do and Mend by Kate Parker Plus Giveaway!

Make-do and Mend became the slogan of nearly every country after World War II began. Restrictions on fabric, leather, and metal, needed for the war effort, influenced clothing design and availability. Where nylon...

GUEST BLOG: Troubles With Recorded Death in the 11th-Century by Patricia Bracewell Plus Giveaway!

When I first began writing a trilogy about the 11th-century queen of England, Emma of Normandy, I didn’t think about the fact that, because most of my characters would be people who actually...

GUEST BLOG: Amy Pershing on Food as Memory Plus Giveaway!

The nineteenth-century French journalist and epicure Charles Pierre Monselet once famously wrote: “The pleasant hours of our life are all connected by a more or less tangible link with some memory of...

GUEST BLOG: The Strange Truth About Early American Funerals and Death Rituals by Greg Morgan Plus Giveaway!

In my current “Death Shall Have No Dominion” book series, I tell fictional stories from the civil war era that have characters with very strange and morbid professions within the death industry. It...

GUEST BLOG: The Regency in England Wasn’t All You Think by Chris Nickson Plus Giveaway!

Hear the word ‘Regency’ – a period that more or less the first 25 years of the 19th century - and people immediately imagine Jane Austen. Gentlemen with fortunes in need of...

GUEST BLOG: Comedy in Murder Mysteries by Jonette Blake Plus Giveaway!

My favorite scene to write in “The Widow Catcher” is the book club scene. It is their monthly meeting, and Delia Frost is invited by a work colleague to give her a...

GUEST BLOG: Women Geologists of the 19th Century in England by Alissa Baxter Plus Giveaway!

The Earl’s Lady Geologist features a lady geologist, Cassandra Linfield, who lives in Lyme Regis during the Regency period. I was intrigued a few years ago when I stumbled across an article...

GUEST BLOG: How to Improve Study Habits by Christine Reidhead Plus Giveaway!

There is no denying that studying is never fun. For some, it is almost like turmoil! But none can escape from this and has to pass through the process. Developing good study habits...

GUEST BLOG: P.S. “I wish it may please you.” by Mally Becker Plus Giveaway!

Did George Washington love his wife, Martha? It’s not a question that’s “top of mind” this cold, covid-filled February. But with Valentine’s Day and Washington’s Birthday just crossed off the calendar, I thought...

GUEST BLOG: Take a Journey Together Back in Time to What It Would Be Like To Be A Tribal Member of a First Nation...

Encouraging you to dive into Sacred Mounds has me feeling a bit like a carnival barker attempting to entice you inside a side show tent. Well then – Step right up! Inside the...

GUEST BLOG: What Inspired Me To Write A Book by Dr. Tara Hines-McCoy Plus Giveaway!

Writing is Therapeutic! Hello everybody! I am Dr. Tara Hines-McCoy. I am an Amazon #1 New Release contributing author of Shut’EM Down: Black Women, Racism, and Corporate America. Originally from Little Rock, Arkansas,...


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