Category: Guest Blog

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GUEST BLOG: Pollution and the Garment Industry by Tracey Szynkaruk Plus Giveaway!

The garment industry is one of the most polluting in the world. The operating model of fast fashion is just exacerbating this major problem. Unfortunately, less than 1% of used clothing is...

GUEST BLOG: Adventure by Chicken Bus, An Unschooling Odyssey through Central America Janet LoSole Plus Giveaway!

Drowning in debt and disillusioned with the workaday world, Janet and her husband Lloyd, are at their wits’ end. Despite working day and night, Lloyd’s earnings barely cover household expenses. Determined to...

GUEST BLOG: Author Admissions: Favorite Romance Tropes by Lucy Monroe Plus Giveaway!

Favorite tropes, we all have them. Readers probably can guess some of mine from the books I write: the powerful alpha hero (royalty, sheik, billionaire businessman), the strong-minded heroine, marriage of convenience,...

GUEST BLOG: Why Cozy Mystery? by Lynn Cahoon Plus Giveaway!

After writing more than thirty cozy mysteries and starting a new series, this question still comes up during author interviews and on my social media. Why do you write cozy mysteries? The short...

GUEST BLOG: Why Writing is a Form of Personal Therapy by Deeann D. Mathews Plus Giveaway!

A lot of people make sense of the world by getting the day's news, whether that be from traditional media or through all the wild and woolly ways the Internet provides. Somewhat...

GUEST BLOG: The Old, The New, and The Ugly in Boston by Gabriel Valjan

In July 2020, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition published a report and listed Boston as the third most gentrified city in the United States, after San Francisco and Denver. Shane Cleary, the...

GUEST BLOG: Dollar Princesses of the Gilded Age by Harper St. George Plus Giveaway!

Gilded Age America is roughly defined as the time period from 1870 to 1900. After the civil war had torn the country apart and brought commerce to a screeching halt, there was...

GUEST BLOG: Regency Mystery and…Auditory Processing Disorder? By: Abigail Wilson Plus Giveaway!

“I have great difficulty hearing and understanding people in crowded spaces. It’s an affliction I’ve suffered since birth. Everyone’s voices jumble together, particularly with the instrumentalists present, until the sounds form nothing...

GUEST BLOG: Why Historical Fiction Intrigues Me by Ben Gartner Plus Giveaway!

Put simply, historical fiction intrigues me because it exercises my imagination. But, I would argue that the best historical fiction also teaches. It can teach about the time and place, yes, but...

GUEST BLOG: My Not So Straight Journey to Publication by Cara Reinard Plus Giveaway!

I have two books being released this year from Thomas & Mercer, Amazon Publishing’s mystery, thriller and true crime imprint, and I couldn’t be more excited about that! Interestingly, Sweet Water (January...

GUEST BLOG: How Far Would You Go To Save a Child? Plus Giveaway! by Cara Putman

Every story has a genesis. A spark that ignites the what if or what now? Often my books come from a combination of articles or books I’ve read about real events. Sometimes...

GUEST BLOG: Writing Strong Female Characters in Historical Fiction by Stacie Murphy Plus Giveaway!

Imagine this: you open a novel and find a main character who does exactly what she’s supposed to do at every turn. Our hypothetical heroine adheres to the conventions of her time,...


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