Category: Guest Blog

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GUEST BLOG: A Soldier’s Guide to Staying at a Castle By J’nell Ciesielski Plus Giveaway!

The war to end all wars exploded into frightening reality in the idyllic summer of 1914 when an assassin’s bullet killed the Archduke of Austria. In the first year over 20,000 people...

GUEST BLOG: Why Did You Write Your Book? by Jess Lederman Plus Giveaway!

No one has had a greater influence on my life than the 19th-century Scottish minister, novelist, and poet George MacDonald. His writings—along with those of C.S. Lewis—were what the Lord used to...

GUEST BLOG: In Dark Times Mysteries Can Be Comforting by Alissa Grosso Plus Giveaway!

As every television commercial insists on reminding us lately, we're living in uncertain times. There's no doubt this past year has certainly been a doozy. We've all taken different steps to make...

GUEST BLOG: Inspiration For Writing THE LAST KING by M.J. Porter

The Last King is set in the AD 870s in Mercia, one of the ancient kingdoms of England. If you’ve watched or read Bernard Cornwell’s The Last Kingdom books then it’s just...

GUEST BLOG: Putting the Mystery into History: Writing Historical Sleuths by E.M. Powell

Like so many readers out there, I love a good whodunit. I hugely enjoy trying to figure out page by page which suspects are the ones to watch. Who may be for...

GUEST BLOG: When Love is Thwarted By Family—How Do You Forgive? by Merida Johns

What a super topic! Blackhorse Road is filled with family dynamics and drama, and there’s a great need for forgiveness. Writing Blackhorse Road, I had to decide on the protagonist’s black moment—the point...

GUEST BLOG: The Setting That Was Meant To Be by Peter W.J. Hayes

Not surprisingly, the setting of the three books of my Pittsburgh Trilogy is the city of Pittsburgh and its suburbs. But there is an unexpected turn in the last book of the...

GUEST BLOG: Story Ideas by Kat Martin

People often ask how I come up with ideas for my novels. Sometimes I have no answer—it just seems to pop into my head. Best guess, the kernel of an idea probably...

GUEST BLOG: The Happily Ever After Need by Bernadette Marie

As an author of happily ever after, contemporary romance novels, I always relish in the reviews that say, “unrealistic.” Day to day we live in a world that we have no control...

GUEST BLOG: Do You Believe In Ghosts? by David Fitz-Gerald

Do you believe in ghosts? If you do, you’re not alone. From a quick internet search, it appears that between one-third and one-half of us do. One website suggests that forty-five percent...

GUEST BLOG: STOP! Whether “Others” Have Written a Book on the Subject You’re Writing is None of Your Business by Andrea Fraser

As a non-fiction book coach for mothers, as well as a published author of two books (one traditionally published and one self-published) I know only too well the excuses women give themselves...


Although his was my fifth novel, it was the first in a new series and a complete departure from my more contemporary series set in the late 20th Century. There were a...


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