Category: Blog Posts

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GUEST BLOG: Rebel With a Tender Heart by Olivia Dade & Giveaway

As of this moment, I’ve written nine complete books. And my poor critique partner—Mia Sosa, a talented author and cherished friend—has dutifully read and commented on every single of them. So she’s...

J. Michael Orenduff and THE POT THIEF mysteries

I discovered J. Michael Orenduff's Pot Thief mysteries a bit over four years ago. Subtle, occasionally sly, witty, and humorous. In a nutshell, Hubie and his adventures make for sublime reading. I'm...

GUEST BLOG: Why I Love Bollywood by MK Schiller With Giveaway

I was born in Bombay (now Mumbai) so love of Bollywood is probably in my DNA. There is nothing like a good Bollywood flick. For many years, there was a tried and...

GUEST BLOG: TAKING CHANCES by Victoria Vane With Giveaway

Although I have been a published authors for over five years, 2015 was a year of many firsts for me. I finished my very first contemporary romance series (Hot Cowboy Nights from Sourcebooks)....

GUEST BLOG: LINNY’S SWEET DREAM LIST by Susan Schild with Giveaway

As my New Year’s gift to you and your readers, here is the complete first chapter of the book: LINNY'S SWEET DREAM LIST is about what is important to me – funny friends, good...

INTERVIEW: CRASH AND BURN by Michelle Callahan With Giveaway

How did you get started writing? My mom read to me when I was little. A lot. I used to beg and beg her to read the same handful of books to me....

INTERVIEW: Eileen Dreyer with A FINE MADNESS Giveaway

We are ecstatic to have New York Times Bestselling author, Eileen Dreyer, with us today! How did you get started writing? I don't know if you've heard this before, but there's a great...


A bodyguard, a bounty hunter, and a PI are bringing the heat to the New York Times bestselling author’s action-packed series.  Sinners, whores, and sluts beware—your time is at hand: a faceless menace is threatening lingerie...

GUEST BLOG: The Importance of Having a Will by Sara Walter Ellwood With Giveaway

The Importance of Having a Will In my latest release HEARTSONG, I tackle the very important issue of what happens when a person dies without a will, especially if they have underage children. While...

GUEST BLOG: Mackenzie Crowne on TO WIN HER TRUST

I’m a football fan. There. I said it. I love football. I know there are a lot of women who just don’t get the appeal. Like my daughter-in-law. She can’t understand how...

BOOK BLAST: HARVEST MOON by Sharon Struth with Giveaway

Getting past the librarian’s guard... Trent Jamieson isn’t one for virtual romance, but there’s something about the intriguing woman he meets on the Internet he can’t resist. Then the small town bachelor discovers...

GUEST BLOG: Make the Readers Say Yum! by Cat Johnson and Giveaway

Apparently I’m a little obsessed with food. I’ve written entire scenes that focus on the characters’ enjoyment of a meal. I’ve even written a love scene based around a fried bologna sandwich. I know, it’s possible...


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