Category: Blog Posts

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GUEST BLOG: What Inspired Me To Write My Book by Angela Harris Plus Giveaway!

I wanted to give individuals a clear, simple, holistic, insight, pure connection of articulation on how we have been given all that we need in order for Whole Body Heath and Wellness...

INTERVIEW: Cozy Mystery Author Tracey Drew Plus Giveaway!

Today we welcome cozy mystery author, Tracey Drew! Thanks for joining us. What drives your story forward in your books the most, the characters or the plot, or do you feel they are...

BOOK BLAST: How To Overcome Insomnia All By Yourself by Antoinetta Vogels Plus Giveaway!

Publication Date: May 18, 2020 It's time for bed. You're tired, but you know you'll be tossing and turning for hours to come. At dawn, you fall into a deep sleep, but it...


Mauzzy and Me Mystery: Book 1 Publication Date: September 16, 2020 When freshman year at the University of Alabama draws to a close, Sara Donovan finds herself grappling with the same old question—listen to...

GUEST BLOG: Character Growth By Maggie Toussaint Plus Giveaway!

While some authors of series mysteries prefer for their sleuths to remain the same person in each different situation, I’m in the camp that enjoys having my sleuth grow in every story....

BOOK BLAST: TIGER STRIPES by Hannah Renae Plus Giveaway!

Publication Date: April 13, 2021 Four psychiatric wards Three rehabs Two jail cells And a suicide attempt... Hannah was told she would not make it to 25 with the way she was living. She had struggled with...

BOOK BLAST: THE FORSAKEN CHILDREN by Naomi Finley Plus Giveaway!

The British Home Children: Book 1 Publication Date: March 21, 2021 A riveting tale of endurance and resilience, illustrating the spirit of a child and the bond between siblings. It’s 1921. Fifteen-year-old Hazel Winters and...

GUEST BLOG: Where Do I Get My Ideas? by Lyn Farrell Plus Giveaway!

When you’ve written a number of books, people always ask you, “Where on earth do you get all your ideas?” Agatha Christie, the grande dame of mystery fiction, was once asked the...

GUEST BLOG: Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zone by Debra Sennefelder Plus Giveaway!

Stepping out of your comfort zone isn’t an easy thing to do for us or for fictional characters. In THE CORPSE WHO KNEW TOO MUCH, Hope Early does something that is way...

BOOK BLAST: THE TEST OF GOLD by Renee Yancy Plus Giveaway!

Hearts of Gold: Book 1 Publication Date: March 15, 2021 Heiress Evangeline “Lindy” Lindenmayer has been groomed since childhood to marry into the British aristocracy as her mother’s ultimate ambition is a royal title...

GUEST BLOG: South Florida: Always a Beautiful Day for a Murder by Joan Lipinsky Cochran Plus Giveaway!

Between the looniness of its residents and the beauty of its beaches and River of Grass, South Florida seems to be the ideal setting for a murder mystery. Witness the man-eating alligators...

GUEST BLOG: Nine Things as Cozy as a Cozy: Hygge for All Time by Susan McCormick Plus Giveaway!

You might think, with the warm weather approaching, that the time for cozy is over. Rest assured, the time for cozy is seasonless, meaning that any time you are ready for that...


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