Category: Guest Blog

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GUEST BLOG: Interesting Facts About Jackals by Victoria Tait Plus Giveaway!

Jackals are a canine which are related to dogs, coyotes, foxes, and wolves. There are three species. The larger golden jackals prefer open grassy plains and are closely related to wolves. The side-stripped...

GUEST BLOG: This is the Vietnam War Novel I Never Wrote by R.G. Belsky Plus Giveaway!

My new mystery BEYOND THE HEADLINES is set in the world of New York City TV news media - and the glamorous Kardashian-like celebrities it covers on the air. But this book is...

GUEST BLOG: Choosing the Particular Socio-Economic Class For My Characters by Kelly Brady Channick Plus Giveaway!

Although a shore town and summer haven for vacationers, the town of Asbury is a town divided by wealth. For anyone who has read the series, they know that the wealthy reside in the...

GUEST BLOG: Where There’s A Will… by Terri Blackstock Plus Giveaway!

Writing has never been easy, but those of us who make our living this way, have a compulsion to do it, and life doesn’t feel right if we aren’t able to write....

GUEST BLOG: Tarot Cards and A GHOST AND HIS GOLD by Roberta Eaton Cheadle Plus Giveaway!

Tarot card reading is the practice of using tarot cards to gain insight into the past, present or future. The reader formulates a question, draws and card and then interprets the card...

GUEST BLOG: Inspiration for the Seaside Cove B&B Mysteries by Terry Ambrose Plus Giveaway!

When I was in college, I wanted to be an archaeologist. At least, until I learned I would need four to six more years of graduate school after receiving my bachelor’s degree....

GUEST BLOG: Meet Cleo Coyle’s Haunted Bookseller from THE GHOST AND THE HAUNTED PORTRAIT Plus Giveaway!

Most people are haunted by something. Past mistakes. Missed opportunities. I’m haunted by those things, and one more—an actual ghost. My name is Penelope Thornton-McClure. For decades, the locals here in Quindicott, Rhode...

GUEST BLOG: The Life of a Multi-Tasking Author by Winnie Archer Plus Giveaway!

Here’s a riddle for you: How many irons can a mystery/suspense writer keep in the fire without getting burned? Answer: Um, I don’t know yet.  I’ll let you know when it happens. Seriously, I do sometimes...

GUEST BLOG: Russian Voters Extended Putin’s Power and Ability to Cripple the U.S. Economy by W. Craig Reed Plus Giveaway!

Vladimir Putin was never destined to be a ruthless world leader. He was born into the Leningrad home of Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin and Maria Ivanovna Putina on October 7, 1952. Maria worked...

GUEST BLOG: SHOVED AROUND BY GHOSTS by Susan Merson Plus Giveaway!

OH GOOD NOW THIS came to me in shifts. Ever happen to you? I have had a recurring dream for years about a small child that I was responsible for but who I...

GUEST BLOG: Writing Family Secrets in Domestic Suspense by Melissa Colasanti PLUS GIVEAWAY!

Thank you so much for having me! I wanted to talk a bit about the twisted web of family secrets we often find in domestic suspense, how they became a big part...

GUEST BLOG: How I Write My Books by Catherine Coles Plus Giveaway!

My thanks to Novels Alive for hosting me today. When I was a newby writer, it fascinated me how authors wrote their books. Where they plotters are pantsers? If they did plot, did...


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