Category: Blog Posts

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GUEST BLOG: What’s On Your Bucket List? by Tea Cooper Plus Giveaway!

My bucket list has been constantly changing over the last few years. When I retired from teaching it revolved entirely around my writing plans: Get a print book published by one of...

GUEST BLOG: Why I Write Cozy Mysteries by D.E. Haggerty Plus Giveaway!

The reason I write cozy mysteries is actually part of this huge mix-up. When I wrote Murder, Mystery & Dating Mayhem (Book 1 of the Gray-Haired Knitting Detectives), I thought I was...

BOOK BLAST: EARL OF BRACKEN by Aubrey Wynne Plus Giveaway!

Wicked Earl's Club: Book 5 Publication Date: March 9, 2021 A seductive Welsh earl on the brink of ruin. A wealthy cit in search of a hero. Miss Evelina Franklin reads too many romance novels....

GUEST BLOG: Merry Wynter, Fashionista – or – Clothes Make the Woman by Victoria Hamilton Plus Giveaway!

I’ve always loved clothes, but as a little larger woman, I’ve had a love-not-so-love relationship with my body. It’s a struggle many women can relate to. When I envisioned the Merry Muffin...

GUEST BLOG: The Trials and Advantages of Systematic Writing By:  F.M. Deemyad Plus Giveaway!

Perseverance, we are told in not exactly such words, is the key to success. The idea is drilled into our subconscious as we sit hours at a time, five days a week,...

GUEST BLOG: Writing Mystery – Where Have You Been All My Life? by S.C. Merritt Plus Giveaway!

In early 2019, I was bored. Now, don’t get me wrong. I had a wonderful life and was immensely blessed. So why did I feel so dissatisfied? I chided myself for feeling...

GUEST BLOG: Pop Culture Prophets by Jon Land Plus Giveaway!

My first in entry in Margaret Truman’s enduring Capital Crimes series, MURDER ON THE METRO, is a political thriller. Not just any political thriller, mind you, but one that features an insurrectionist...

GUEST BLOG: Three Things I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me By Terry Korth Fischer Plus Giveaway!

When I started writing, it was with abandon and for the sheer joy of putting a story on paper. Later, I employed some grammar rules, acquired writing skills, and learned how to...

GUEST BLOG: Why Dystopian Books Are Popular With the Youth by Branwen Oshea Plus Giveaway!

Both teens and adults enjoy reading to escape reality and have fun. Dystopian worlds are different enough from contemporary life to be a great distraction and usually end with hope. They also...

GUEST BLOG: Make-do and Mend by Kate Parker Plus Giveaway!

Make-do and Mend became the slogan of nearly every country after World War II began. Restrictions on fabric, leather, and metal, needed for the war effort, influenced clothing design and availability. Where nylon...

GUEST BLOG: Troubles With Recorded Death in the 11th-Century by Patricia Bracewell Plus Giveaway!

When I first began writing a trilogy about the 11th-century queen of England, Emma of Normandy, I didn’t think about the fact that, because most of my characters would be people who actually...

BOOK BLAST: UNDER THE EMERALD SKY by Juliane Weber Plus Giveaway!

Publication Date: October 23, 2020 It's 1843 and the English nobleman Quinton Williams has come to Ireland to oversee the running of his father’s ailing estate and escape his painful past. Here he...


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