Category: Cozy Mystery

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GUEST BLOG: by A Sheepish Investigation by Joy Ann Ribar Plus Giveaway!

When I wrote my first mystery, Deep Dark Secrets in 2019, I decided on a whim to make my main character’s business partner, Carmen, one half of a sheep-farm-owning husband and wife...

GUEST BLOG: An Ode to Renting by Susan McCormick Plus Giveaway!

My husband and I moved around a lot in our early days. Because of the military, we were separated for years, living in apartments on either end of California. Then we moved...

4-STAR REVIEW: THE MISSING PROFESSOR by Andrea Instone, Translated by Rachel Reynolds

Fraülein Schumacher Investigates: Book 1 Publication Date: July 19, 2021 In 1926, young Emma finds herself leading a sheltered life with her grandmother in England, where her aunt’s dramatic squabbling is the greatest excitement...

GUEST BLOG: Welcome to Cypress, South Carolina by Dorothy St. James Plus Giveaway!

The small town of Cypress is a fictional town that lives in the pages of the Beloved Bookroom Mystery series. But it’s like many of the very real and quite charming small...

GUEST BLOG: A World of Words by Dane McCaslin Plus Giveaway!

I’ve always had an interest in how language works. When I was old enough to discover that languages were derivatives of a root language, I was hooked. Latin was amazing. And I found...

GUEST BLOG: The Benefit to Me of National Novel Writing Month by Debra Sennefelder Plus Giveaway!

One of the aspects of being an author who writes on spec is that it plays to one of my weaknesses, perhaps to my greatest weakness—self-discipline. I can set writing goals, and...

GUEST BLOG: Why ‘Vintage Kitchen Mysteries’? by Victoria Hamilton Plus Giveaway!

In A Calculated Whisk, my tenth Vintage Kitchen Mystery, I have my heroine looking over a collection of vintage kitchen whisks, preparing to mount an exhibit. Jaymie Leighton Müller not only...


An Ozarks Lake Mystery: Book 2 Publication Date: August 27, 2021 She’s settling into a new life. But when a fishing trip totally capsizes, can she get a friend off the hook for murder? Elizabeth...

GUEST BLOG: A Little Bit About My Career by Heather Haven Plus Giveaway!

Hi Everyone. I wanted to tell you a little bit about my career as a writer and the Alvarez Family Murder Mysteries. In my twenties and thirties, I spent my time in...

GUEST BLOG: My Writing Journey by Lorie Lewis Ham Plus Giveaway!

I think the question that writers get the most is, “How did you become a writer?” That and “Will you take a look at my manuscript?” It may sound cliché, but I feel...

GUEST BLOG: Make Time to Write – 5 Tips for Time by Julie Anne Lindsey Plus Giveaway!

So you want to be a writer. It’ll be fun, they say. You can write in your spare time, they say. Write after work or school. Or on weekends. You have time. That...


Christmas is coming to Cape Cod but when Sam Barnes finds a very dead Santa in a very hip restaurant . . . it’s up to her to sift out suspects who have been...


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