Category: Cozy Mystery

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INTERVIEW: With Cozy Mystery Author Rita Moreau Plus Giveaway!

Today, we welcome cozy mystery author. Rita Moreau! We put Rita on the hot seat with our author interview questions. What drives your story forward in your books the most, the characters or...

GUEST BLOG: One Writer’s Path into the Fascinating World of Fiction By Patricia Fry Plus Giveaway!

I’m a career writer. I’ve been writing for publication for 48 years, and I have 54 cozy mysteries to my credit, but I haven’t always written fiction. It surprises people to learn that...

GUEST BLOG: Turning a Passion Into a Publication by Allie Pleiter Plus Giveaway!

My Instagram profile lists me as a “dangerously obsessive knitter.” That’s not much of an exaggeration. I’m one of those people who packs not only my current knitting project when I travel,...

GUEST BLOG: Writing Myself Into and Out of a Corner by Elizabeth Pantley Plus Giveaway!

When you write a fiction series you need to keep track of a million details. What does each character look like—eye color, hair type, height? Who lives where? How far is it...

GUEST BLOG: Pushing Through the Slumps by Gabby Allan Plus Giveaway!

Hi there and thanks so much for having me on this great blog! I’ve been a writer for quite some time, published since 2004 or so when I won a contest with Harlequin...

GUEST BLOG: How I Became An Author by Kimberly Wylie Plus Giveaway!

Although I wrote a few short stories as a kid that were well-received by both classmates and teachers, becoming an author wasn’t my Plan A when I was younger. My first major...

GUEST BLOG: Writing About Pregnancy When You’ve Never Been Pregnant by Jodi Rath Plus Giveaway!

I was an only child growing up. I was also a child of divorce. I spent a lot of time alone playing with my dolls and stuffed animals. I used to hang...


A Lakeside Library Mystery: Book 1 Publication Date: July 13, 2021 In this series debut perfect for fans of Jenn McKinlay and Miranda James, Rain Wilmot must discover the killer, before the book closes...

GUEST BLOG: The Animals In My Books by Melissa Bourbon Plus Giveaway!

Cats, cats, cats. And Dogs, dogs, dogs. I grew up with cats. My mom has always loved the. A few were named after Agatha Christie characters: Tommy and Tuppence. I adopted a feral cat...

GUEST BLOG: Brushes With the Paranormal by Lena Gregory Plus Giveaway!

Have you ever had a brush with the paranormal? And encounter you couldn’t quite explain away, no matter how hard you tried to convince yourself there was a logical explanation? I’ve had...

GUEST BLOG: Freaky and Fun on the Ball Research By Joanna Campbell Slan Plus Giveaway!

They call Florida “The Golf Capital of the World” with good reason. The state boasts more golf courses per capita than any other, a whopping 1250. One county alone, Palm Beach, has...

GUEST BLOG: Many Musings, Mostly Musical: Identity Crisis By B.J. Bowen

In 2003 the symphony in which I played second oboe and English horn shut down due to lack of funding. The orchestra’s demise brought on an identity crisis for me. All my life...


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